Another "Desiderata"

Apr 25, 2012 10:33

Billy's Desiderata
by Billy Connolly

Tread gently on anyone who looks at you sideways.
Have lots of long lie-ins.
Wear sturdy socks, learn to grow out of medium underwear and if you must lie about your age do it in the other direction:
tell people you're 97 and they'll think you look fucking great.

Try to catch a trout and experience the glorious feeling of letting it go and seeing it swimming away.
Never eat food that comes in a bucket.
If you don't know how to meditate at least try to spend some time every day just sitting.

Boo joggers.
Don't work out, work in.
Play the banjo.
Sleep with somebody you like. Eat plenty of liquorice allsorts.
Try to live in a place you like.
Marry somebody you like.
Try to do a job you like.
Never turn down an opportunity to shout 'fuck them all!' at the top of your voice.

Avoid bigots of all descriptions.
Let your bed become to you what the Pole Star was to sailors of old... look forward to it.
Don't wear tight underwear on aeroplanes.

Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes.
After that, who cares? He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.

Clean your teeth and keep the company of people who will tell you when there's spinach on them.
Avoid people who know the answer. Keep the company of people who are trying to understand the question.
Don't pat animals with sneaky eyes.
If you haven't heard a good rumour by 11 a.m., start one.

Learn to feel sorry for music because, although it is the international language, it has no swearwords; if you don't count Wagner which in my opinion is one long one and should be avoided at all cost.
If you write a book, be sure it has exactly 74 'fucks' in it.

Send Hieronymous Bosch prints to elderly relatives for Christmas.
Avoid giving LSD to guide dogs.
Don't be talked into wearing a uniform. Salute nobody.
Campaign against blue smarties.

Above all, go to Glasgow at least once in your life and have a roll and square sliced sausage and a cup of tea. When you feel the tea coursing over your spice singed tongue, you'll know what I mean when I say 'It's good to be alive!'

Source: From Billy by Pamela Stephenson,
Harper Collins Entertainment, first published in 2001 and
found on various sites all over the Internet

* * *

Remember Max Ehrmann's version of "Desiderata"? I always thought it makes a lot of sense, but sometimes it's just too difficult to stick to it. So, now that I'm 97, this is my alternative set of resolutions.
Guess I'll have to figure out how to get to Glasgow at some point... ;)

humour, birthday, desiderata, funny

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