Back to the land of the living...

May 07, 2008 13:17

Hello peeps!
Remember me?


Well, I don't blame you. I hardly remember me either... ;)

But now - I'm free at last!

They say a rolling stone gathers no moss... but a busy medical student gathers shitloads of paper, let me tell you! >_<

I don't want to know how many innocent trees had to die for that pile of lecture notes I took during 4 years of my studies. And now I'm just never going to look at these ever again, because I went into a major cleaning frenzy yesterday and chucked the whole lot into the big blue paper recycling bin downstairs. Yeehaw!

Now I have seven empty folders, neatly stacked on the bottom shelf behind my desk - you can always find ways to use good folders! The rest of the plastic and metal bits got thrown out, the shelf space that was suddenly free is now piled high with medical books - and from where I'm sitting now, there's not a single medical book in sight anymore.

*does a happy little victory dance*

Yes, folks, it's done! From now on, I can stick the letters "MD" to my name. Still waiting for the official letter, but yesterday after the final round there was no doubt about my successful passing the exam.
Don't worry, I'm not going to run around with a stethoscope around my neck prescribing laxatives to people from now on. I'm the same weird little critter you knew, but now I need to get it into my head that I'm no longer just a happy, clueless medical student... but instead a doctor in search of a job. Whooo! (or not. Depends. We'll see.)

Anyway, that's the big news.

Yesterday after the exam we went and had coffee and ice cream in the city, the sun was shining, our brains were slowly adapting to the fact that yes, it was finally over, and yes, we'd managed to pass the Exam Of Doomtm.

Now I want the last four months of my life back! I swear, those months have easily been among the least healthy in my entire life. Sleeping badly, eating badly, not exercising enough, sitting at the desk all day, nose buried in books for too long, not enough fresh air, oxygen, sunshine etc... I won't go into the "neglecting friends and shunning all social contact except other med students" bit. The only positive thing was that I never forgot to drink at least 2 litres a day.
My back aches, my head hurts a bit, my eyes tire easily if I stare at the screen too long, my brain is starved for a newspaper and a good book - it all makes grasping the concept of having successfully completed seven years of med school a bit difficult. Not to mention that the cranky part of my brain keeps asking if it was worth the trouble... :P Oh, and I think I got a slight sunburn yesterday, because I couldn't get enough of the warmth and light even if I'm pale and pudgy like a maggot at the moment (and should know better than to stay in the sun at 2 P.M. with no protective tan or sun lotion). But who cares? Especially since medical students (and doctors) are not known to be good role models - they do not eat regularly, many of them smoke, and I've yet to meet a med student who would not get dead drunk on an almost regular basis... Take yesterday: We were barely out of the building where the exam had taken place, when already the bottles of bubbly came out of the bags. Oi!

My plans for the next two days include checking my cupboards for food and deciding what I need, doing some shopping, cleaning, laundry, and various other chores I sorely neglected; buying a pair of summer pants and nice shoes, rewarding myself with a book or two, and of course upload some art to thank all the lovely people who helped me through these difficult times!

I suppose I will need a few days to get my brain back together and put some semblance of order into my life (not to mention the sorry state of my apartment at the moment), but first I desperately need a change of scenery! So on Friday I'm going to hop on the train to visit erestor, allow her to pamper me like she threatened to *g*, tease her cats, dip my toes in the Rhine and then spend a few days with my granny after that. So do not expect much activity here yet. First I have to re-learn the internets. ;)

On a completely different note: It seems that I'm currently shedding hair everywhere... just picked a long one out of my pasta lunch. O_o* I hope it's not some novelty reaction to stress, since the obligatory headcold seems to be disinclined to start its work on my head. *sigh*

Oh, and remember: I'm not on duty, and there's no doctor on board anyway. Shhhh!
Lots of love,

friends, squee, chibi, doctor, braindead, oma, personal, happy, awesome, grateful, flist, exam

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