Good day, no blues

Dec 12, 2005 20:18


So, basically, yesterday was a day of much SQUEEE!!!

Squee #1: Being able to sleep in.

Squee #2: aglarien1 posting a wonderful icon of a medieval version of Glorfindel. *points at icon* I'm in love!

Squee #3: I spend my morning hanging around in pajamas, with a pot of delicious tea and my sketchbook.

Squee #4: Alfie visits.

Squee #5: After much fiddling, I finally manage to update my site.

Squee #6: The charity auction set up by erestor ends and drums up an awesome amount of money. I did some good with my art.

Squee #7: I find out what to do with 100 user icons... and start uploading my treasures.

Squee #8: The afternoon sees me in the city with a friend. Although the weather is awful, the mood is fantastic. Great surprise: we find a new café, a cozy little thing with just a few tables in a little side street of the inner city. Warm, comfy, home-made cake and CHAI TEA. It immediately takes up the second place on my list of "favourite places to go", and will probably stay there as long as it exists or I am in Leipzig.

Squee #9: A mail tells me amazon has shipped my copy of the 7 "Narnia" volumes, adult edition.

Squee #10: I manage to chat with a few lovely people. YIM doesn't act up too much for once.

All of this made me absolutely maddeningly happy. I'm still bouncing around, and am, in fact, so high that even today's lectures couldn't get my spirits down. If I ate any chocolate now, I'd fly out the window.

And now, I'll call my Mum and do a meme. *^_^*

ETA: Squee #11: My copy of "The Chronicles of Narnia" just arrived!!! A neighbour took the parcel for me while I was gone today. *goes to squee some more, especially about the fantastic illustrations by Pauline Baynes*
Picspam and scans to follow, gentle readers!

squee, personal, rl

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