Very, very random post - got time to waste? ;)

Mar 08, 2008 09:50

For a while now I've been collecting funny stuff that I stumble across on the net. Not because it's vitally important info that I couldn't go without, but because I got a giggle out of it, and I thought someone else might, too. I just never got around to it until now - and since I guess that I best get it all out of the way, here's a post with no leitmotif except its utter randomness.

Warning! This is an utterly pointless post. Read only if you really have time to waste! :)

Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists... sound too boring for you? How about noodles? might be familiar to those of you who regularly check out Nemi's adventures. They also have lots of other stuff that shouldn't probably be taken all too seriously, if you want to avoid a visit by the nice men in white who offer you a long-sleeved coat with buckles on the back...

This is already pretty weird, but hey! to each their own. I'd rather have a noodly E.T. staring back at me than some bloated politician.
Man creates Spaghetti Monster tribute

The article provides a link to this, though. Now it starts to get a bit strange:
Student punished for spaghetti beliefs

If you want to read more about it, maybe a look at the homepage of the Pastafarians would be a good place to start?

Questions: Do Pastafarians eat noodles? Is a Pastafarian (i.e. someone who worships pirates as divine beings) the natural enemy of a Royal Navy fangirl? If so, what does that mean for me? And what about people who do worship pirates, but don't believe in Flying Spaghetti Monsters?
I'm sure this needs some more thoughts, but not right now, and not with my brain. *g*

Apologies to the Pastafarians on my f-list. :)

Still got some time to waste? Read on. :)
On second thought, maybe there's more to the mainstream religions than we thought...

If you're interested: More religion, though this time less extraterrestial.
Was Moses high up on the mountain?
Woman jailed for worshipping teapot
That last article suddenly makes me very happy to live in a country where there's freedom of religion. Otherwise I wonder what the consequences for teapot worshipping would be - and if they'd find me guilty for just using teabags... Either way, I'm glad I don't live in Malaysia.

Or there's always fandom. And Wiki. And links.
Another grand way of procrastination: Wikipedia link-hopping is an awesome and wonderfully instructive way to waste hours on the net.

"In 1798, Pellew first served as a midshipman under his father, Sir Edward Pellew, in the 74 gun ship of the line Impétueux. He was described at this time by his father as 'clever and quick, but idle and unmanageable.' [...] and Pownoll's promotion to commander at the very early age of seventeen."
So, according to Wikipedia, this guy would have been the historical influence for Hornblower's Sir Edward Pellew. And his son, Pownoll Bastard Pellew, certainly has an interesting biography from a RNotC fangirl's point of view. But really... the name? What were the parents thinking?!

Not your cup of tea either?
How about some scantily-clad women who desperately need money for a dictionary?

There's a cheerleader group in this city who call themselves "Nasty Vibrations". And no, I'm not making this shit up. Look for yourselves:
I was wondering for a second if this could be blamed on a mix-up (due to the somewhat annoying German habit of using English-sounding words without proper understanding of the meaning) and they were aiming at something like "Naughty Vibrations". However, thinking about this makes my brain hurt.
No comment. >_<

And of course this once again proves that you find the weirdest things on the internet if you're NOT looking for it. *g*
So. How much time did you manage to waste reading this? :D
*scampers off to do some serious work*

Disclaimer: I do not take responsibility for any of the pages linked to from here. The authors of these respective pages are solely responsible for the contents of their sites.

humour, giggle, silly, weird, funny, procrastinating

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