A few thoughts on privileges and blessings

Jan 05, 2008 17:24

A few days ago, there was a "Privilege Meme" floating around LiveJournal, and a few of my friends posted it on LJ. After stumbling across it for the third or fourth time, I actually went through it and in my mind bolded those applying to me. Needless to say, most of them did. While my parents are not what you'd consider rich or even wealthy, we have enough and as children we never wanted for anything. Not for material things like clothing, toys or books, but more importantly we had our parents' love and support. I am aware that I had a happy childhood. Or maybe I didn't really understand that meme after all...
Among other things, I remember finding it mindboggling that it should be a sign of a privileged upbringing if the parents read to you. Yet, looking at it from my usual sarcastic point of view, it is indeed. Not because poor parents cannot afford the time to read to their children - but because nowadays people seem determined to ignore how discovering the thirst for knowledge is important for a child's development. Children should be seen, not heard, and most of us (me too, sadly) often find kids damn annoying. If you have a TV, you put that kid in front of it. If you're rich, you buy the little booger a TV set for their own room! Well done! [/snark]

I could say a lot more about it, but that is a rant for another day. What I absolutely wanted to share with you, because it's brilliant, and puts into words a few things that IMHO need to be said, is what karamarie_mckay had to say about this meme.

Kara's post: Truly inspiring and thought-provoking. And really worth reading!

Doing a bit of research, I found an address by Muhammad Yunus, winner of the Nobel Peace prize 2006 that really blew me away.

Muhammad Yunus is the founder of Grameen bank, a bank that gives microcredits to people in Bangladesh to help them help themselves. Now there is a way to fight poverty, if you ask me! So they give him the Nobel prize (to shut him up, maybe?) and do not talk about him anymore...
(You can find more about the Grameen bank on their homepage, or go take a look at The Grameen Foundation site.)

As for me, I know that I am privileged. More than that, I am blessed. Yes, my parents pay for my education. Not like I can go out and have fancy cocktails every night, go on expensive vacations , or buy a new pair of shoes every time the mood takes me, but I have the books I need, clothes that fit, a room with central heating, food in the fridge and an internet connection.
But just as importantly as all that, I have friends. I have a few very good friends here, and I have a few people all over the world whom I care about and who -oddly enough- seem to care about me. ;)

The latest proof of that was the little parcel I received on Thursday. In it, a lovely box with tea, rock candy and chocolate. Stuck to the tea, a little note that read: "Imported to Germany by your Navyboys" and stuck to the chocolate leaves, another that said, "Plucked for you personally by woodelves." *insert loud squeeing noise here*

Thank you a million times, dear luin77!!!
I don't really know what I did to deserve that, but I sure am a happy little critter right now. The tea is delicious, and Navyboys like dark chocolate just as much as woodelves do. :)

Now, back to my books. My brain won't fill itself, it seems. °_°
Consider yourselves hugged!

rl, meme, poverty, uni, thoughts, tea, blessings, happiness, mini-rant

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