Advent calendar 2007 for my f-list

Nov 30, 2007 17:57

Dear all,

A few days ago it struck me that this year is the last year I celebrate Christmas with my family as a kid, with a tree and presents and mostly free time, and not as a "responsible adult" who has to ask for time off the job for Christmas... This time next year, I'll probably be working because colleagues with small children will want the time off, and who could blame them?
And of course, it's most likely the last year I get an Advent calendar from my Mom, filled with tea bags and chocolate and other goodies...

(A bit about the Advent calendar from an article at Wikipedia, in case you're interested and/or unfamiliar with this tradition widely observed in Germany...)

Either way, I love having an Advent calendar to get into the Christmas mood and to enjoy the cold and dark days leading up to too much food and much merry-making. *g* How better to spread the cheer than by sharing? So I pulled an all-nighter yesterday, and here it is:

An online Advent calendar to help you count the days 'til Christmas.
100% kid proof, not fandom-related, bandwidth-friendly.
You need to have Java script enabled for it to work, though. ;)

How does it work? Well, every day, you go and find the little box with the right number. Clicking on it will open a window with a small goodie for you. You can look at past days, but clicking ahead should be impossible. Of course, if you know basic code, you can find a way to cheat, but I won't tell you... ;)

The link to the thing can be found on my LJ userinfo page and from my site, just in case. Have fun!

Brightest blessings!

presents, friends, advent calendar, goodies, xmas

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