Why yesterday was a good day

Jan 31, 2007 08:37

Yesterday was one of those days that start slowly but grow to be a really good day... And the change comes on gradually, but not slow enough that you would not notice. :)

- slept well and woke feeling rested
- studied a bit for the Psychiatry test
- got email notification telling me that both my DVDs and my Duckworth Dickens "Oliver Twist" edition had been dispatched by Amazon ~ YAY!!!
- checked LJ
- checked the uni's homepage
- got Neurology results
- realized that not only had I passed the Friggin' Test of DOOMtm!!! but that I had done really well on it, too!!!
- *squee*d rather loudly
- walked around on a cloud
- got a lovely postcard in my inbox from nienna_weeper... soooo pretteh!!! *smooches* Thank you, dearest!
- went to the Psychiatry test, which was surprisingly easy and gave me a good feeling
- got home, finally managed to do my shopping, ate dinner
- settled in front of the comp to see "Mansfield Park" (again)
- instead watched my (formerly very shy) Navyboy muses suddenly become quite rowdy, starting with snogging at the Commodore's desk and ending up in bed with each other... O_o*
- forgot time while drawing
- looked up from my pad at midnight, listened to the news one last time while scanning the pic
- went to bed, read a chapter of "Dracula"
- fell asleep around 1 a.m.

And today starts well, too. I'm sitting here with a cup of delicious tea, eating a crèpe with salted butter (YUM!!!) and planning. And the first treat of the day came in the form of the second chapter of joyful_molly's new story - "JOHN SAMUELS (dec.)". It's an amazing tale, and I am speechless at how she manages to take known characters and give them a totally new, totally different background and story ~ yet making it so very fitting and so very fascinating at the same time. I adore her take on Lt. Gillette in this - and her Norrington just intrigues me...
So go and read it!!!

rl, muses, uni, art, erestor, potc

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