Finally, an update worthy of the name!

Jun 26, 2006 22:05

I really would sell my firstborn for this stuff.

And it's not exactly easy to find here, or cheap - but it's soooooo worth all the trouble! Nothing like a cup of hot Chai.


So... yeah, still alive, it seems. And finally coming 'round to updating this... thing.

Let's see... the last update that really earned the name was on... June 3rd. Or maybe June 14th, if you kindly count enismirdal's birthday post.
I'm not sure I meant it to be this long. But every time I came home or sat down at my desk, I had a loooong to-do list in front of me, and literally everything on it was more important or urgent or had a higher priority than updating LJ or spending hours reading my flist...

Uni still isn't over. I have three more weeks, three written tests and two oral exams to take before the end of the semestre. While I don't mind getting up every morning at 6, ride the tram for 20 mins and then walk another 15 mins to some well-hidden building in the southern part of the city to get to my classes, it would be much easier if I could at least sleep at night.
As it is, it's too hot to sleep before 11 PM, and after that, it means getting a few hours of fitful sleep, waking up drenched in sweat at 5 AM, only to toss another hour trying to get a few more precious minutes of rest. The remainder of the day is no less hot, no less sweaty and I find myself tired, headachy and grumpy by 11 AM.

It's awful.

And as if that weren't enough, it's THIS TIME OF THE MONTH again. Yeah. Can you say "sh!t"?

A lot of things are going terribly, terribly wrong.
- The last written test, ophthalmology (that's eye-stuff, for the medically unharmed sane among you), was a disaster. Chaos. Hell. And a prick whom I would have punched in the groin if I had been given half a chance. In fact, he might still hear from me...
- My supposedly best friend here has started going home every single weekend AGAIN. And she hasn't stopped bugging me about a holiday trip together. Either she stays in L long enough for us to sit down and discuss details or I'll be gone home for the holidays come the last day. I'm not the one who's going to let herself be pushed around like this...
- The heat is killing me. I don't manage well when it's over 25°C. I have the feeling that I am a fat, sweaty, smelly bunch of unhappy human. And that makes me grumpy and grouchy and generally un-lovable. They promised rain, and thunderstorms to clear this up - and I'm still waiting.
- I miss my family, especially my sis. Ever since she's back from the Sea, we've grown close in a way I never thought possible. And now, I can't be with her.
- And did I mention I was hot?

A few things were really good, and I would be ungrateful if I didn't mention them, and thank Fate (or my Guardian Angel, or whatever is responsible for the good stuff) for it all. So, here goes:
- I went home with my good friend A. She's the sweetest, loveliest person I have around me here. She grounds me like no one else can. She's shy and keeps quiet a lot of the time, but when she opens her mouth, out come wicked, witty things that never fail to make me laugh.
- We stayed almost a week and did some wonderful things. Rode our bikes around my hometown. Visited museums. Went to the zoo. Walked on the shore of the North Sea. (I know what Ulmo's horns sound like. And like Legolas, the longing for the Sea will make me sick if I can't be near it.)
- The last tests went well. Just have to wait for the ophthalmology test - not going to like this, I think.
- I was home again last weekend. Cuddled with my mum. Sat in the garden. It was nice and cool and shady, and I relished the peace and quiet. I teased our kitty. I even managed to go to the cinema with my sis and watch Roman Polanski's "Oliver Twist". I love Charles Dickens, I really love that man, I love the movie, I love Ben Kingsley, heck I adore them all! And if you haven't seen this piece of art, you really missed something!
- I got more beads. I fiddled with silver wire and made some awesome earrings. Pics to follow.
- There's only three weeks left before I can go home again.

And last but not least:
- I have awesome friends.
nienna_weeper, thank you sooo much for the lovely card. It arrived safely and adorns my wall above the screen as I type. Things like that really make a shitty day go all bright and sunny. :D
And phyncke made this gorgeous, lovely and absolutely cute icon just for me. She's a dear, and I adore the little critter on my icon! Thank you again!!!


So, I'm home, I'm sitting in front of my computer and NOT working for uni for the first time in what feels like Ages. I have had dinner and chai tea, I'm listening to music and letting my thoughts wander. Life's good except for the dull ache in my reproductive organ and the fact that I'm sitting here almost naked because of the heat.

I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting half of what I wanted to ramble about, but it'll have to do for now.

When on the ship around the world, my sis went to India. From there, she brought back my birthday present - an original Indian sari. Delightful, isn't it? I love the colours. And there's little rocailles embroidered on the hem in the shape of flowers. Now to lose weight and get a tan to wear it! *g*

Part of why I love the country around my hometown. It's cool, it's green and it's peaceful. You can walk for hours without meeting anyone. The air is fresh and smells of the sea. And standing on the dyke, you can see far into the distance and breathe. I need the space and the calming effect it has.

Of course, we do know what summer is. And life can be colourful and exciting if you let it. Like here, with kites and beach chairs on the grassy patch before the dyke.

And this, my friends, is the "Wattensteig". A new footbridge they built across the mudflat to allow pedestrians to go out without getting dirty and cutting their feet on shells. See the horizon, the endless blue skies and the water? Well, there's little enough water there now. But not twenty minutes after I took this pic, the sea came rushing back and the footbridge was surrounded. It's impressive - and extremely dangerous if you're not careful.

And, well, this is a part of who and what I am. No surprise that the water surrounding the baby in the womb is like the water of the ocean. And I think I was a gull in a previous life.

Not sure how much I will be around the next few days. There's still so much work, and so little time. And my eyes are already complaining of too much screentime. Bah! Three more weeks. I can do that. Even if it means still little or no fooling around on the internets. :(
You take care, be safe, and big huggles to all of you!

Love and light,

rl, photos, uni, chai

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