
Apr 01, 2006 21:24

I know April 1st not yet over - but I think I should solve this today. *^_______^*

So... I've been thinking about this for a long time. I've had a look at my LJ archive, and the way it looks, I think I'm well on my way to leaving the online addiction behind and return to the Land of the Living for good [1]. I mean, the entry rate has gone way down, and will probably continue to.
It will be a sure sign I'm healed and ready to leave when I won't feel any pain while throwing out my two ring binders full of slash pics... [2]

In the meantime I've realized something for myself: There are things that need to be changed in my life. Strange as that may sound: Maybe having my ears pierced triggered something [3], but I feel... different.
I feel like I should finally follow through with that diet and fitness regimen to lose weight, make a radical change to my physical appearance [4], and stop doing things I will regret later. Like hurting people with insensible [5] and sarcastic comments, and hide a part of my life from my family because I fear they won't understand my slash addiction.
For starters, I had my hair cut short yesterday while in town with a friend. Well, it's still over an inch, but the feel of running my hand through it is addictive, and I'm currently thinking about going back there on Monday to have another few centimetres taken off. 5 or 8 mm should be a good thing, feeling nice and stubbly, and practical besides [6].

I will get an appointment to exchange my glasses for contacts. Not sure if I should take coloured ones, too - they have an offer on those coloured contact lenses, and [7] I've always wanted green eyes. *g*
To those on my flist with contacts: monthly or daily lenses? Which would you recommend? I have no idea about all this, and would like to hear your opinions and advice on that before I decide.

My grandmother is now hoping I will make a complete U-turn and let myself be christened. Not sure about it... I mean, it would give me a certain "political" advantage. People applying for a job in a Christian hospital are often asked for their stance on religion. I could then say, 'yes, I'm in Church, as a good Christian should'. And hospitals supported by the church are better off financially, so the working conditions for doctors are also better [8]. I guess I'll really have to think about it [9] after all.

Anyway, that's rambling. For now, I should concentrate on a few concrete things: Uni, find a thesis [10], find a boyfriend, marry and have kids... :P

That's that. And now, I should go and check my pack for tomorrow. I feel like it's my first day of school!

Take care,

[1] Hah! You really believe I would give up fooling around online? It would mean leaving the lot of you alone, and I can’t do that, now can I?

[2] It would, indeed. As it is, I cannot think of parting with them. Not ever! Even if I left the fandom. *g*

[3] To say it didn’t would be a lie. But I have no idea yet where it will lead.

[4] ...which I am quite happy with, actually, except for the excess fat around the hips. Meh!

[5]  Oh, I often do that. I’ll keep the sarcasm, but will try not to hurt anyone if I can help it.

[6] Do you think a hair fetishist like me could cut off her hair?! If you believed this one, you really don’t know me. Or, if you congratulated me on it - don’t. I could be tempted. It really would be practical…

[7] Seeing that I send every contact lens flying with a batting of my lashes even before I manage to put it in my eye, I’ll probably never get contacts. :P

[8] That, unfortunately, is true.

[9] However, I’m far from caving in and pretending to be something I’m not. I may act kindly, but you don’t have to wear the cross to do that. Circumstances would have to be dire to see me eat humble pie!

[10]  I really, really should think about a thesis. Preferably one that can be written within the two years I have left.

I really didn't think this mixture of truth and illusion would work, but it did. For anyone who was fooled - Happy April Fool's Day! *g* 
*smoochies all around*

rl, april fool

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