Sep 29, 2005 15:59
Well, it was raining this morning when I went to go to class. I decided, despite this, that I would wear my worn flip-flops, with which I have never had any problems before. I was walking down the stairs in the Global Business Center and I fell down the stairs, hurting my back and wasting my coffee all down the side of my jeans. So I sit there for a minute and collect my things and get up, nearly falling twice more. I get to the bottom of stairwell, without falling again, and I see Amanda, my ex-roommate and good friend, waiting to go into her classroom. I say hi, and she breaks down crying. I ask her, of course, what is wrong? This what she told me is for her to talk about and not me, but I feel horrible for her. Anyway, after falling down the stairs, spilling my coffee and talking to Amanda, I decided to go to New Media Output, skip Advertising and have Amanda come over and vent.
On our way walking back to the dorm, she told me something that I made me feel much better then I was earlier this morning. She told me that Scott, my ex-boyfriend had started dating a new girl and had matured. This is just enough closure for me to put everything out of my mind from this morning and feel better. I am really happy for him. I didn't want him to end up alone, no one deserves that. I still want to talk to him, but now I don't need that for closure, I just want to see how he is. So if you read this Scott, as I am posting this Public, I am exceedingly happy for you and wish you two the best, because you deserve to be happy. I would like to talk to you, so if you ever want to, I have the same SN as I use to if you remember it. I don't this will ever be read by him, but just in case.
Anyway, now I'm at work and I have already finished everything that I need to do today and have nothing but the guidance counselor list to work on. It is a really annoying project that I really don't want to have to deal with, but have to because I'm a tech (the joys of being a tech).