Jul 06, 2008 20:02
Did you hear that? I am sure you just did and are wondering who in the world just let loose such a high pitch scream you are thinking you might need to call the police just in case. Well that was me, and allow me to explain why I screamed like my life was about to end.
You see, I have a pretty severe phobia of sharks, and even pictures of them are absolutely horrific to look at. This might not seem like a big deal, but here a few minutes ago is good example of how many sharks are EVERYWHERE.
So I am flipping through the channels about to settle into a nice take out dinner (no cooking skillz = take out). The newer HBO movies are showing tonight and I was very interested to see Happy Feet just happened to be on. I was going through the guide channel deciding I would check out the whole movie from On Demand as this was somewhere in the middle when the following occurred:
Adorable penguin is watching the Northern Lights. "AWWWW he is so cute" I think to myself "I really should watch this movie". My gaze drifts down to the guide channel "So what's on?" My attention is drawn back to the screen by the penguin speaking "Guys? Guys where are you?" He is floating all alone on a patch of ice. Something is wrong I can feel something is very wrong here. "Guys?" The penguin looks into the glassy blue water. A BIG FUCKING SHARK BURSTS FROM THE WATER WITH HUGE WHITE TEETH. I scream soooo loud my husband comes flying into the room ready to kill whoever is attacking the apartment as I fumble with the remote control trying to close my eyes, but not before I get a couple more glances of A BIG FUCKING SHARK. I manage to get the channel changed but my heart is racing and I am nearly shaking.
So I guess I won't be watching Happy Feet after all not even to find out if the penguin lives. His fault anyway as sharks live in water.