scarves in the summertime

Aug 29, 2004 01:09

I saw a girl at the football game with a really cool shirt. It was royal blue and said DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE in orange wiith a cake beater next to it. Coolest shirt I've ever seen, I should've asked where she got it.
Jessica called me today. It's always so nice to hear her voice. She's gonna try to come down next weekend to pick up some of the stuff she still has at their old house, which Elmer apparently is gettinge evicted from. -sigh- so she's getting the stuff she wants before he puts it in storage. I haven't seen her since her birthday, which was at the beginning of July. I miss her more everytime we talk and I get sad just talking about her. We were so spoiled with our friendship before, and I still haven't adjusted to the way it is now, even though its been like 10 months since she left. :(
I'm getting really nostalgic again. I miss my dad a lot. I wanna sit in his living room and sort through all his records and listen to him babble about music. I LOVE that. I need to talk to him about getting together. He asked me if I wanted to go see The Allman Brothers and Lynard Skynard in October and I think that would be HELLA FUN. Minus all the insane redneck assholes, I'm sure it'd be a blast. It's on a Friday, but the next Friday is Homecoming, and the day after that is the SAT, so I was planning on asking off for that Friday and saying I can't come in til like 2 or 3 on Saturday. But I don't wanna ask off for two Fridays in a row. Baaaaah. I'll figure it out.
*lamest entry ever!*
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