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May 08, 2011 22:22

Weekend recap with my dad:
Thursday - He flew into Oakland late. I walked him around the neighborhood. We went back home and chatted on my couch. He taught me a few more expressions in Slovak and told me some more stories about his youth in New York.

Friday - Ate at a nice brunch place in Cole Valley and hopped on our bikes (his rented) through GG Park. We first stopped at the Academy of Sciences which was swell. We eventually made it to the beach before going to Sutro Heights and Baths. We grabbed Little Star for dinner and then went to the baseball game. My dad was coming to try to meet Willie Mays. The event fell through but it was Willie's bday that day so at least he got to see him make a speech at the game. We later got dessert at cheesecake factory.

Saturday - Got a bagel and went out to Muir Woods. Afterward, we went to Point Reyes and grabbed some Czech food at Vladmir's in Inverness. I was saddened to find out that the owner died a few years ago. He escaped communism on skis. We then went down to the lighthouse. My invalid dad did well on the 200+ steps down and up the lighthouse. By the time we got back to SF, we were both beat. I took him to Little Chihuahuas and then we went out to Healthy Spirits and bought a bottle of an ESB from Idaho (Bitch Creek). We got home and watched the Incredible Shrinking Man.

This morning we went to the ballpark again to grab breakfast. We then walked around the stadium, my dad reminiscing about the old Polo Grounds players while looking at the plaques on the wall. We then toured around sf in automobile, stopping first at the Palace of Fine Arts and then picking up my birthday present, an accordion, in the inner Richmond. We dropped my car off, got some Indian food, then walked out to the mission to enjoy the shut down Valencia st. On the way back, we got some Bi-Rite ice cream. Mindy showed up and we got Mediterranean food for dinner. I took him up to frigid and windy Buena Vista park for one more hill climb before dropping him off in Oakland. Y ahora estoy aqui.
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