Man, where do I start!? This has been an amazing week. Let me just hit some of the highlights....
I met Bobby Boom Beck! One of the best animators at Pixar! I talked to him, shook his hand, and he remembered my face from a question I asked earlier in his presentation!!! I also meet Scott Carroll- animator from Blue Sky, and a bunch of others. Yesterday I also met Steve Larson for lunch, and we talked like old buddies for a couple hours. He has a film in the electronic theater this year - an amazing accomplishment, and testimony to his talent.
The next morning, I went to another character animation discussion led by Bobby Beck, never can seem to get enough of this stuff. He is a crazy man, bouncy, animated in his personality, really fun to be around. He inspired me with some great ideas on where to start looking for animation reference; starting with stuff personal to me, family, and little quirks that make people I know best unique. Being an animator is in a sense like being an actor, each character is different. Acting is all about those subtle movements, traits, points that sell that character. All this I know well, but the idea of looking at family or close friends for reference is interesting.
On this thread, i think i came up with an idea for my thesis. Mr. pilot man Thomas Helm is someone I know very well. He's an amazing guy who loves his job more than anyone I know. My idea was to begin gathering a short story together involving a pilot. There are all sorts of paths I can take this.. as it's an easy subject for humor. I.e. pilot interaction with control tower, or perhaps the often referenced dialog of a pilot's address to the passengers on an airline. Maybe a character is teaching someone how to fly, and they're not all that enthused about the loops, twists, turns, stalls the excited pilot might attempt. Pilots are funny, and i happen to know one better than most.
Overall the week was inspiring. It was a major kick in the pants to be surrounded by the most talented people in the industry for a week. It's worth it alone to go once a year and get motivated to produce, and work harder. The industry I have chosen is not an easy one to get into, but those who are dedicated and talented have no problem. Meeting great people, asking them how they made it, how they work, and what they advise is the first step.
Also, my website is up and running (sort of), so you should go check it out. The reel works, for now that is all, but it should be finished soon. I'm not going to sit and let months go by before I finish it... so yea, remember i said that :)