Thanksgiving was really hectic for Leon and I. We had 12 family members staying with us. Mother and Father inlaw, sister-in-law with her husband, my two nephews and their grandmother, my sister-in-law is back from studying in Europe, and
ja_samonikla with her boyfriend Santiago. Holy insanity. It was good. It was like a giant eating fest. We had this huge antipasta, 21lbs of Turkey, stuffing, peas, pies, fudge, crab dip.. the works. Next year, everyone has to get the hell out of my house by Friday at the latest.
It looks like I will be staying with the Enterprise side of the business. I got word yesterday. I was a little disappointed because well, I dont really like to do what the enterprise team does and I really was looking forward to just doing SME work again. There still may be time to raise a stink. I will wait until the finalized org chart comes out on Friday.
School is finishing up. Theres only three more weeks. I am really behind in Math. I may be able to complete this semester by slim margin. Last night the instructor told me if I am one test shy they will give me an extension. I really dont want to take the class again, and I really want to start pre-calculus next semester.Its a developmental class so not finishing wont hurt my GPA, but still. its a 5 credit class. My douche bag history teacher finally liked one of my papers. Which was great cause it was an optional project worth a shit load of points. So now even if I do mediocre on my finals, I will still get an A in that class. I may even consider taking History 102 since I enjoyed that class so much. I have a ton of tests to catch up on for computers, I have 3 large papers for psych left and two exams, and an exam for student development ( which is looking good for a final A ). So the only class where my grades look questionable is Pysch. That book is just too god damm boring. But the teacher really likes my papers in that class and gave me extra credit for the last paper so who knows. I might pull off a good GPA this semester. That would be a miracle considering how much I floundered.
I am still sick. I am back on the antibiotics. I only sleep like 3 hours a night because I cough all night long. Really sucks. I was sick all through tday too. I cant wait till xmas time. I am off starting from the 26th and I dont go back till the 3rd!\
I am still catching up on LJ for the last week, so I apologize if I am behind or missed entries.