Ok, I'm fat and because I don't lie, I'm also lazy. Shocker, huh? No? Not shocked?
Well, I should put a disclaimer here.... I'm lazy, but I'm NOT afraid of hard physical labor. Tonight, James and I got a good dose of physical labor, that's for sure. We were out there with a weed rake that has a broken handle (we don't do yard work much, LOL), broken down to about 2.5ft long. So we were hunching over. A. LOT. It was tough work, but OMGosh we were laughing nearly the entire time!
Then I got a flat tipped shovel and started to kinda break up the hard ground. That was not the most fun of all. Eventually, I remembered that the neighbor (the only one we know) had a lawn gopher tiller kinda thingy. I sent James to go get it and we tilled the remaining 80% of the soil with that. It was like magic. For the first 3 feet. After that, my hands started to hurt as did my back.
Here is what it looks like, sort of. The one we were using was a little different and had no where for our feet to go to help push it down into the soil. We had to lift it up and slam it down... about a million times! LOL
Tomorrow we'll water it all down really well, again, and till some more. This time I'll wear gloves. Duh. We only tilled down about four inches. I'll feel better if we can get 6 or 8 inches down.
Once we're done with that, then I'll go and buy some seedlings. James and I are thinking: Onions, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and he wants to do a couple stalks of corn. LOL
I'll have to measure out the tilled land proper so that when I go to buy the seelings I can tell the salesperson exactly how much space I have. To be honest, I've been guessin ~280sq ft, it's about 18' x 15'.
Even if I end up growing weeds, at least I'll be out doors doing something and doing it with James. Which is a major bonus.