Shopping + Body Perceptions, Today's Alarm Clock, Shane Warne, TV Update, and Rome

Oct 31, 2006 20:33

*cracks knuckles*

Okay, I feel like updating.

ONE. Bought new jeans today (again!). This time they were dark blue and from the label Denimbirds. They're a very good brand, as they've got this style, called "Narrow Baggy," which is wide at the top (around the hips) and narrow at the bottom. If, like me, you can't pull off skinny SKINNY jeans due to the fact that your legs aren't, oh, say, like 50 inches long, and you've got a bit a lot of bottom, you'll like this model :D. Plus, it's not pricey and it's comfy as hell. Apparently, they even have this rule: If you don't wash 'em for the first six months (I know, ewww), afterwards the jeans will forever retain your shape. Apparently. Don't know, if I'll do this, because, again, eww, but hey, nice gimmick, I suppose...

Anywhoo, today's shopping does make me feel better. I told you how I haven't been feeling my best recently, well for some reason today, I felt like going shopping. I even bought some underwear because I heard that lingerie always has a way of making a girl feels awesome ;) (well, I think it's true). I used to be a BIG shopper so it has served as therapy in the past. This year, though, I've changed. Now I have the occassional bouts of compulsive shopping. And I tend to buy just one pricey item because I'm now convinced that quality defeats quantity.

Unfortunately, that rule kills you if you want so many things. For example, now I also want a new bikini. My old one just looks old and, plus, I've gained weight, which actually SHOULD defeat my desire of stepping out in a bikini (it doesn't --- dunno if that's good or bad) AND is one of the main reasons I've been so BLAH lately, which in turn makes me want to shop.

See the spiral here? Okay, to tackle one thing at a time... So I tried a whole bunch of bikinis today. On the one hand, I cringed at the fact that I now have to wear one size bigger than 'my size,' but on the other, I don't think I look COMPLETELY bad in it. I keep thinking of Callie from Grey's Anatomy, who, though plus-sized, manages to look sexy as hell. I think I've found a bikini I really like too. It's kinda old-style (like, you know, those bikinis that came out when women still had a bit of tummy and hip) and sort of reddish pink in color. Now, the only thing stopping me from buying it then and there was the price and the higher size *sigh*.

Argh, I'm superficial. Shoot me. But I actually do have a good reason for buying a bikini. You see... I'm going to Bali in December! Whee!!! This is why I'm going to be "in hiatus" for a couple of months. I won't be completely cut-off from the internet and I won't be in Bali for that whole time because I'm actually going home to my parents' for the remainder. It's mainly for Christmas and New Year's, but I'm leaving very early, from next Sunday, because my mom wants me home for my birthday. Monday, November 13th, folks, just so you know... ;).

So yeah, heee... (^O^) I'm loving my vacation plans...

As for the last couple of days... I don't know, I've just been feeling crap, mainly, I think, cause my body's been feeling bloated. I haven't been pigging out insanely, so I think it's just PMS. Gahhh, the wonders of being a girl, I tell ya... I just need to 'detox' by eating healthier, I suppose. Tofu dinner should be good, dontcha think?

This morning, would you believe it, I was woken up by this guy who was cleaning my apartment window. He was abseiling down my building and, as I live on the topmost floor, guess whose window was first? And guess whose bed was RIGHT next to the window and guess who forgot to close the drapes the night before? That's right!

Dear Diary, today I was woken up by a guy, right outside my window, hanging by a rope twenty-five stories from the busy streets, yelling out and laughing to his mate, "Hey, this chick is sleeping!"

God, the embarrassment. And the peculiarity of the situation ;). The drapes are closed tonight, that's for sure!

On the street today, I also saw Shane Warne! I'm pretty sure no one knows who he is, other than chandrahasa, but apparently, he was a pretty big Australian cricket player. Who was also involved in ENDLESS sex scandals *groan*. Well, today, he was just on the street, being surrounded by people holding miniature and life-sized cricket bats. How peculiar.

And to finish this extra long update, a summary of this and last week's favorite TV shows of mine:

LOST - TOW Sawyer's Pacemaker & Electrocuted Golf Stick
- Kate & Sawyer so love each other :D *SQUEE*, Henry/Ben reached a new height of brilliance, Jack & Julliet are gonna be BitterAngsty!Love (good), and Desmond is now a precog.

One Tree Hill - TOW The Long Lost Crazy Evil Brother
- Peyton's wife-beater-wearing psycho brother/stalker should have died, Lucas/Peyton should get back together for good pronto, Nathan/Haley/pregnancy & Brooke/NewTeacher/Affair should be tuned out, but everyone should cheer the fact that Peyton's brother is black!

Supernatural - TOW The Long Lost Crazy Evil Brother
- Dean/Sam need to ride away to the sunset (or to Brokeback Mountain, hee ;) ) together and forget the tiny detail that they're related by blood, while the RoadHouseBitchose (fuckingMarySue Jo & Ellen) need to learn to read Dean's too perfect lips ("It's a family thing" dammit!!!) and shut the fuck up or die a horrible, preferably fiery, deaths.

Heroes - TOW Shadowcat as a Big Black Guy
- Hiro is OMG!ADORABLE!WannaSqueezeHimAllTheTime!CUTE, but otherwise a pretty bland episode that needs more Nathan and more Claire using her BadAssPower (or possibly giving Zach some lovin' ;) ).

Okay, well, I'm gonna go off watch Rome now. Anyone ever see that show? I ADORE it and season 2 is coming in January, so now's a good time as any to refresh my memory. Plus, for some reason, both my parents and annuscka have just mentioned that they've seen it recently... Anyway, watch it :D.

Btw, while we're talking TV, I've been meaning to look into Battlestar Galactica. Anyone seen it and can recommend?

lost, life, one tree hill, kate/sawyer, rome, battlestar galactica, supernatural, tv, heroes, jack/juliet, claire/zach, lucas/peyton, dean/sam

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