I haven't updated in a month! Insanity.
Especially with all the finales airing...
First of all, I have yet another new show :D.
Isn't that the awesomest promo poster?
Without spoiling too much about the show (in case you haven't seen it and are thinking that you might... which you should, because it's awesome :D), one thing I must say:
How I miss her... River (and --- surprise, surprise --- her brother Simon) was my favorite from Firefly, I'm still angry that it got canceled btw, so when I heard about this show, I was instantly interested. However, I didn't want to get into it when those cancel-happy bastards from FOX could still axe it mid-season. Fortunately, season 2 has been confirmed :D. Woot! Instant new fandom :).
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
- Hmmm, I gotta say that the concept of time traveling makes my brain go boom. I try not to think about it too much when watching this show. In case you don't know the Terminator story, the hero of mankind, John Connor is spawned by this guy, Kyle Reese, who JOHN sent back in time to protect his mom, Sarah Connor. So technically, his dad is 'younger' than him chronologically and at one point in the show, the teenage John got to watch his KID dad playing with his brother in the park.
And, oh yeah, his dad's brother, Derek Reese, was (is? will be?) also eventually sent back in time to have hot sexual tension with his mom.
Speaking of which...
- Derek/Sarah... I LOVE them. I love the whole angsty, forbidden aspect of her being his dead brother's girl, and him being John's uncle. They really got the whole, both-having-abrasive-personalities UST down too. LOVE it.
But 'know what I LOVE even more?
- John/Cameron. Eee!!! What is it about human/robot relationships that I find so appealing?
I mean, come on, don't lie... Once we can perfect the technique of making robots look FLAWLESSLY human, the first thing that'll occur to every science geek out there is to turn them into our love slaves lovers. Why bother looking for the perfect girlfriend when you can BUILD her? At the moment though, Cameron acts more robot than human, but I think she can learn... And I think she'll figure out that making John fall in love with her and, um, servicing his hormone-ruled teenage physical needs, will be, uh, a mission priority.
Well, I'm hoping anyway... ;D. Why else would they make her look like a teenage girl?
Besides, I kinda have a feeling that these two had (have? will have?) a history (a future?) in the Future. Either John will have built her after a girl he loved... Or, she was "different" because she actually fell in love with him and they had a genuine relationship (which he had to erase from her hard drive memory when he sent her back to his teenage self). I'm so curious!
Anywhoo, here are some cute pics of Thomas Dekker and Summer Glau while in Australia:
You know, I was really annoyed when he left Heroes, because I loved Zach and SO shipped Claire/Zach, but now I'm kinda glad he's in this show! He makes a good teenage John.
What is it with me and robots these days? I've been in a robot sci-fi mood ever since I discovered Battlestar Galactica.
'Speaking of which... This one is still my new toy :D.
BSG, up to 4x07 - "Guess What's Coming to Dinner Pt I"
- LEOBEN!!! I LURVE him... Some people think he's a freak, but for me, he's like the hotter, less creepier, more spiritual, equally manipulative version of Benry from LOST. I so so so need to see he and Kara getting it on again... HOT.
But we already know that most of the cylons are hot ;). It really showed where my loyalties lie, seriously, that when the humans and cylons were talking alliance in the latest episode, I actually yelled out, "Don't trust those frakkin' HUMANS!" heh. Those Sharons, Leobens, and Sixes are SO gonna get screwed.
'Speaking of whom... I was really interested to read
this article speculating who the final cylon would be. Though I wasn't entirely convinced by its arguments for Dualla to be the Final Cylon (despite the fact that my second guess after Roslin would be Dualla), I found its speculation about how the cylons were numbered really fascinating.
Basically, it matched each number to the order of the Twelve Zodiacs (starting from Aries and ending with Pisces), arguing that each cylon has the supposed characteristics of its corresponding sign.
Well, my favorite character has always been Number Eight (specifically, Sharon "Athena" Agathon) and guess which sign she corresponds with? Scorpio, as the eighth sign of the Zodiac :D. Heee... Yay me :D.
And my second favorite cylon, Leoben or Number Two? Taurus, which is perhaps my second favorite sign, due to the fact that I seem to get along with people with Taurean qualities ;D.
Ahhh, well, that was simply nonsense fun :).
- What the frak is up with that dream about the Opera House? I doubt that Natalie died, but I kinda understand why Athena shot her. You don't frak with a mother protecting her offspring. Seriously.
- I'm so happy that Kara is back with Galactica, but, hey, PTB, I'd like more of a reaction shot from Lee, okay? Mmmthanks.
- Hybrid Prophecy. Kara as "harbinger of death"? Ehhh, whatever... You know, in some cultures and in some spiritual interpretations (tarot, dreams), "death" actually doesn't have a bad, ominous meaning (ie. the end), but instead signifies a transformation, a new beginning. Well, arriving on Earth could certainly be a new beginning...
- I still believe Roslin to be the dying leader, who coincidentally is also the Final Cylon, who will emerge out of "suffering."
- Poor Gaeta... I think Anders could've been shown to be more morose... :( When Tigh actually said (about the cylons), "So which one of them shot Gaeta?" I actually chuckled. Oh you new four cylons... The other seven think you are so significant and almost high and mighty. But you so don't know the frak you're doing. Tory, in particular, annoys me.
- Baltar... Snooze. What did he do again? He's so boring and whenever he comes on screen I feel the need to surf LJ instead. I did find his radio broadcasts reminiscent of Brother Justin's from Carnivale. I know that the creator of the latter went on to BSG.
BSG is so spectacular at the moment that I'm thrilled that I'll still have it when all the others have produced their finales.
Btw, I'm so amused that, since taking up BSG, I've been picking up on other shows' tribute to it:
Futurama: Bender's Big Break.
The Office ;D, Michael wearing Dwight's sweatshirt.
Moving on...
The Tudors, up to 2x09
- RIP Katherine of Aragon. You were such a magnificent, admirably strong, dignified character. You will remain my favorite thing about the show, and now that you're gone, I can't help but feel that something is missing...
- George/Anne. Hee hee, chummy ;D, and definitely laid the groundwork for their downfall. You know, I used to hate Anne's guts, like, really DESPISED her, but at the moment, I can't help but feel a bit sorry for her, now when I know the end is near.
- Jane Seymour... 'Kinda bland at the moment, but, well, we all know she'll bite the dust soon enough, when Edward is born, which I'm guessing will probably be in early season three.
- Charles Brandon... Whaddya know, he became more interesting now that he's no longer a manwhore (however, he's still, heh, a pimp to Henry). His current wife, I suppose, proves to be a good influence. She still doesn't compare to Margaret though ;D. Man, Charles/Margaret certainly was one of my favorite things about season one.
Ugly Betty, up to 2x17 - "The Kids are Alright"
- BETTY/GIO!!! Finally! She MUST end up with Gio, rather than be dragged down to boringsville with egg salad Henry. How cute was it, that Gio tried to cheer her up by getting her to steal back her trophy! So Gio...
- Marc/Amanda... Man, they are brilliant. Sure, they are mean and bitchy, but they are so hilarious and lovable and, actually, genuine together.
So, now, on to the finales!
House Season 4 Finale
- Oh man, Amber! I don't even particularly liked her, but I was sad for Wilson... And the implication on his relationship with House.
- House/Cuddy. The strip scene was HOT! Lisa Edelstein has got some body! But I need consummation from these two.
- I still miss Chase, but I'm happy we don't see as much of Cameron anymore. I say replace Taub with Chase, because... I am SO SO SO LOVING Kutner/Thirteen at the moment. Yeah, everyone's ranting about the House/Wilson angst, or gushing about the House/Cuddy possibility, but me? I was excited by the little Kutner/Thirteen moments we got ;D.
I have a thing for subtle, almost-UC ships, heh.
I LOVE that he was the one who comforted her, who looked worried for her when House kicked her out of the room. I like how we've got some character development on them:
- Kutner's parents got killed when he was six and that's why he was adopted and is an Indian guy with a last name Kutner. I LOVE how he accepted death and doesn't let the tragedy drag him down his whole life. In fact, one of the things I really adore about Kutner is his enthusiasm for everything. He's just never miserable...
- Thirteen finally finds out that she's positive for Huntington's. Geez, that's really terrible... But I hope she'll use that to be tougher/braver and just goes for it hooking up with Kutner.
One more, just for the hell of it, Olivia Wilde and Kal Penn at some party:
CSI Season 8 Finale
- Kudos for remembering Holly.
- I wish I cared more that Warrick's dead. Unfortunately, I haven't watched this show for a while...
Criminal Minds Season 3 Finale
- Again with the killing of characters! And worst, we don't know who's dead. Grrr... I so so so hope it's not Hotch, because he's my favorite along with Prentiss (Hotch/Prentiss!).
- I'm guessing it's Will, but NOT JJ. Did we actually see JJ getting in the car? I can only recall Will... Maybe she forgot something and went back. This is certainly a tragic possibility, but it's a way out of losing any of the main characters.
- I doubt it's Rossi or Garcia, since we didn't get any significant 'goodbye' with them. I also doubt it's Reid, though I can't justify it.
- It's probably (hopefully) not Prentiss, since she was the only one whose car license plate was shown and the car that blew up had a different plate (as far as I could tell after some obsessive pausing-playing).
- Morgan is the highest possibility, along with Hotch and Will, because the episode focused a lot on his possible advancement.
Supernatural Season 3 Finale
- I LOVED this finale, I thought it was exciting! I know some people found it predictable, but, well, I hadn't been doing a lot of analyzing/speculating prior to watching, so I found it awesome to watch.
- HORRIBLE to see Dean in hell! 'Especially seeing him being torn up by hell hounds. Broke my heart, really... :( But at the same time, I'm not too worried because I know he'll be back next season. So I'm more curious as to HOW Sam will bring him back.
- Dean/Ruby! This episode cemented my love for them :D. Funnily enough, I've found that most female characters who came to the show (even ones 'meant' for Dean, like Jo and maybe Bela) had had a better chemistry with Sam... Except for Ruby, despite the fact that she approached Sam first! I found their fight HOT and I especially LOVED the following scene:
I can't be the only one who thought, "HOTTEST THREESOME EVER!" when we saw that, right?
I hope Ruby's not dead. I wasn't sure what Lilith did to her soul demon-ness when she possessed her body.
'Speaking of whom...
- Lilith clearly prefers inhabiting little girls, doesn't she? Boy, was that girl creepy!!! And I thought Katie Cassidy did a great job in capturing the 'girly' quality of Lilith. I hope we get a cool explanation/elaboration as to exactly how/why Sam could ward off Lilith's attack.
- I kinda wonder what happened to Bela. Assuming there's no way to escape the hell hounds, she's probably dead, huh? It's a shame, cause I didn't hate her... And I actually shipped Sam/Bela, heh. Maybe she'll come back one day as a demon *shrug*.
I want this show back now! To fill up time... I gathered these up a couple of weeks ago, but never got around to posting them.
I'm pretty sure
hedgie125 will enjoy these TV brothers ;D:
- The Petrellis, AKA Milo & Adrian ("Milan"? Hee ;D).
Gah! They even matched each other's suit, hair, and step!
- The Winchesters, AKA J2
Okay, so these aren't the greatest photos for displaying their sheer good-looking-ness, haha, but they're oh so funny :D.
- David2, AKA Archie & Cookie
Okay, so they aren't brothers and don't even play brothers, but they are both so cute and definitely deserving to be the final two on the American Idol.
Spoilers for the American Idol Season 7 Finale:
I LOVE how David Cook kept reaching out to Archie, hugging him... Cook mentioned in an interview that they're both just having a good time and actually said that Archie was like a "little brother" to him (I want a little brother like Archie too!). Eee, they're so cute! I absolutely LOVED their duet on Nickleback's "Hero." My sister and I thought that they should do more duets! I mean, they've got really different styles, but that song actually worked.
The segment with the Guru was particularly adorable, especially when the Guru tried to shave off Cook's beard and Cookie leaned over Archie, who held out his hand to catch the falling shaving cream. Cute madness!
From the finale itself, I particularly loved Archie's duet with OneRepublic. I already love "Apologize," but with the more defined strings in the background... Brilliant!
Archie and Cookie singing "Heaven" was also marvelous. As did the guys doing Brian Adams. Man, the boys really were kicking the girls' butts this year.
I can't lie, I'm a bit disappointed that Archie didn't win, but Cook's reaction was really gracious and Archie also kept on smiling, which is just tremendously mature of him :D. I'm sure both will have great careers anyway, and who knows... Maybe not winning Idol is a blessing in disguise for Archie. He would have to grow up a heck of a lot faster, seeing as being the Idol comes with a tremendous amount of exposure and responsibilities (strains on private live, promotional duties, a tighter deadline on first album) that might be overwhelming for a seventeen year old.
Anyway, Congratulations to David, either and both of them ;D.
This entry is long enough. More about my private life later, in a separate (friends-locked) post :D. Hope you all are having a great finales week!
Oh yeah, one more thing I forgot to mention... I don't even watch How I Met Your Mother, but I can ship without watching ;D, so... Hee hee, Barney/Robin! They're so cute and hot :D.