Humbert Questionable, Movie Schedule, & Harry/Ginny

Jun 05, 2007 14:54

I'm gonna try to update, since it seems that my "edit userpics" and "edit entries" functions are currently working.

You know, all this hoo-hah in LJ over the banning of journals/communities supposedly questionable to children reminds me... A couple of days ago, I was at a language bookstore helping a friend pick out phrase books and dictionaries. He's going on an around-the-world trip in a few weeks (I know, SO jealous). I casually browsed the Indonesian section just for fun, since I'm fluent (in case you don't know), and guess what I found in one of the phrase books.

Under "General Introductions" was this:
Nama saya Humbert --- My name is Humbert
Ugh, yeah. Good job to whoever wrote that. Out of all the names in the world they could've picked, they went with probably the most famous pedophile in fiction. Sort of like, "Come to Indonesia! They welcome pedophiles!" Not that Bali, in particular, hasn't had enough problems with child sex tourism...

But anyway, I just thought that was interesting.

I'm watching 28 Weeks Later tonight :D. Heard it was as good as, or even better than, the original. I missed it when it first came out and tonight there's a showing in one of those theaters with beanbags! Yup, they're smaller than regular theaters, since they can only accommodate twelve or so beanbags for about thirty people. Fun and comfy :).

Then if all goes to plan, I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End on Saturday. I was in New Zealand when it came out and my usual movie buddies had seen it while I was gone. So I'm watching it with my cousin this Saturday. Please don't spoil me! So far, I've managed to, uh, avert my eyes when you guys in my FLIST mentioned it ;D.

And on Sunday, there's a special advanced screening of OCEAN'S THIRTEEN, so I'm definitely going to that. Considering Ocean's Eleven is my favorite movie, and I've heard good things about this sequel, saying that I'm excited to see this film is more than putting it mildly ;). Oooh, only five more days til George, Brad, and Matt! Hee!

Busy movie week :D.

Well, I'm off to read HP: Chambers of Secrets now. I found this GREAT icon of Harry/Ginny, which I'm currently using:

Timing's appropriate too since CoS was the most Harry/Ginny-friendly book besides HBP ;). I was never a particular shipper of them, but when it happened, I was THRILLED! I thought Harry was so cute when he was struggling and trying to hide his crush on Ginny in book #6. Ahhh, young love, haha...

ocean's thirteen, life, pirates of the caribbean, lj, movie, ocean's eleven, harry potter, book, 28 weeks later

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