Why now, Yuletide plot bunnies, why now?
I was driving back from teaching my knitting class and
"Jessie's Girl" came on the radio, and a rabid hoard of plotbunnies came out of nowhere and started attacking me.
Because he's so obsessed with Jessie's girl...why? Like, I remember that feeling in high school where you're half-appalled by your friends being sappy with each other, and a little left out, and half-watching as closely as possible out of the corner of your eye because something about it makes you horny as hell.
Anyway, I wrote more on this and
put it up on Tumblr, because apparently that's what I associate now with unfinished, poorly written story snippets. Anyone have ideas about where to go next or protestations about my million uses of "just" per sentence, let me know. :)
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