Dec 28, 2009 12:57

This morning brings the marginal return of my sanity, although that's debatable as I did not stop reading Yuletide until 5 AM. *makes innocent face*

I bring you more recs! This time with 100% more effort!

Title: Easy as
Rating: Adult
Characters: Santana Lopez, Brittany
Summary: In which Santana and Brittany come together like A-B-C.
Thoughts: Nice strong Santana voice--which is a trick to pull off for a character with barely any voice in the show!

Title: ink space
Characters: Lucien, Dream (Daniel)
Summary: There are places in the library Lucien does not think about. The neglected books of which he refrains from running his fingertips over when his path leads him through their stacks, and he spares only a cursory examination of their titles when they become lost.
Thoughts: Oh, God, dreamers in the Library, and Lucien's small ways and Daniel/Dream's quiet/loud ways of loving them, shot through with the pain of waking.

Calvin & Hobbes
Title: Every Day Is a Reminder
Characters: Calvin, Hobbes, Susie Derkins, Cast of Thousands
Summary: There's a certain fear that some children share as they grow up, that whatever they do will never be as good as what's come before. Among all the other things he will ever be, Calvin has never been one of those kids.
Thoughts: This is the perfect Calvin-grows-up story. He learns to find a place in the world where he fits, he shows Calvin-ish love to everyone around him, and Hobbes stays. Hobbes stays!

Title: Three Christmases with Miss Honey
Characters: Matilda, Miss Honey
Summary: Matilda never really had a Christmas until she came to live with Miss Honey.
Thoughts: Lovely family story, plus a sneaky way of dealing with Matilda's magic.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Title: A Little Less Conversation
Characters: John Smith, Jane Smith
Summary: The irony was that Mr. and Mrs. Smith were completely incompatible.
Thoughts: A little slice of life from right after the main action of the movie. Great conflict and resolution.

(This entry was originally posted on my Dreamwidth.
have posted comments there.)

fandom: calvin & hobbes, fandom: matilda, fandom: glee, fandom: sandman, yuletide, fandom: mr. & mrs. smith, recs

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