Soooo, I'm not dead. Probably.
I'm still in fandom. Definitely.
I live in Minneapolis now. We have two seasons. Minnesnowda and Road Construction.
I make no promises to post more frequently. That will end in guilt and probably-not-actual-crying tears.
Come to tumblr, where I am
mscadee . Come to the AO3 where I am
cadencescascade . Come to twitter where I am
unfilteredCadee . (note: I am not actually a barista.)
Warning. With the exception of the AO3 (at least at this time, mostly because I haven't written anything worth posting in about 3 years), I am mostly posting about Avengers, HockeyRPF, #Sports Hockey, and Teen Wolf these days. Every now and then old fandoms pop up, but those four are my main jelly right now. There are often pictures of baby animals and occasional feminist posts.