What I've been reading...

Aug 26, 2010 23:29

Ok, so I'm going to start reccing/documenting what I add to my delicious account on the grounds that if I think it was important/good enough to add to Delicious then it's good enough to recommend to anyone reading my journal. Hopefully I will continue to remember to do this.

First of all my Delicious Account. I've had it since June of 2007 so wow. 3 years.

I'm only going to rec what I've added since July of this year. Feel free to go back further on your own.


Easy Does It by 

In which Adam tells Kris to kiss other boys; so Kris does. This turns out to not actually be what Adam meant at all. Features John Barrowman and Scott Gill playing Yentas.

This was cute and Kris should kiss everyone. Always. And people should capture it on film. and sell it. That would fund lots of Haiti, Chile, and Pakastani Relief funds. LOTS.

In the Land of the Delta

Kris Allen rather stupidly allowed his exboyfriend to direct his music video. In Mephis. In the summer. Then there's a black out. And Adam shows up. The King would never have done anything like this.

I liked this because a.) It's Seperis and she has yet to steer me wrong; b.) I remember summers like that; and c.) hot pr0n is hot.

You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like That by

When someone hits on Kris at a club, Adam rides to the rescue.

Spikedluv took what easily could have been a cliche and turned it into a hot little tale of rescue.

Princess Diaries

Driven Outside and Driven In by
leupagus ,
screamlet , and

Five Times Nick and Mia would've totally Done It had it not been for the fact that this is a kid's movie.

This did a superb job of filling in the gaps present in the movie with porn. Mia is in charge, ya'll, and Nick is loving every second. (as am I)

Sherlock (BBC)

Acts of God by

John figures out rather quickly the Sherlock has no interest in household finances.

This was a sweet little thing, with Sherlock being jealous of Mycroft and John knowing Sherlock and how he operates.

Homemaking by

John Watson is trying to adjust back to normal life, "helped" along by Sherlock, Mycroft, Clara, and his therapist. The entire flat ends up redecorated, Clara is given a new will to live, Sherlock still hates Mycroft, and John's going to be ok.

I started smiling at the end of the first paragraph and didn't stop. One of the few recs that has no porn. See, I can read non-porn things.

The Trick Is To Make It Look Easy by paperclipbitch

"Your blog only has one sentence on it," Sherlock tells him.

A lovely story that embodies the Sherlock/John that we've seen glimpses of on the show. Sherlock is quick to say he's not interested but his behavior speaks differently while John is confused and slowly realizing that, yes, this is what he wants.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics , The Art of Negotiation , and The Definition of Insanity by libraryofsol

3 stories in a (hopefully continuing) series wherein it's freezing cold, Sherlock has no common sense, the heat is broken, and John is a big ol' softy when it comes to Sherlock. Not so surprisingly, if you give Sherlock an inch, he ends up taking up the whole bed.

This series is awesome and I particularly like the portion where they discuss sleeping together without the sexual component. While I understand that most of the time the object of the story is to get them in a sexual relationship and the journey there is always my favorite part, regardless of my apparent love for porn, it is an interesting view inside Sherlock's head that he doesn't consider it odd and that many mores that society holds in general are not something he even considers when making his decisions.

Stargate Atlantis

Lantian Legacy: No Enemy Within by Keira Marcos

The expedition is abandoned, the addition of a ZPM jumpstarts an AI that helps them by upgrading their ATA genes. Ends in McKay/Sheppard

I don't always love Keira Marcos, but when she gets me, she gets me good. Her world building is excellent.

StarTrek: Reboot

Ride That Into The Sunset by

Apparently there was a prompt and it was very benign and then porn happened. Kirk and crew are at a diplomatic summit on earth and Jim is bored. Somehow he and Spock end up playing sex-chicken and it just kind of degenerates from there.

Favorite line: JOIN STARFLEET AND GET FUCKED RIGHT. Seriously people. How can you resist something that ends like that?

24 x 22 cm by

"If you are tired of boldly going where no man has gone before, boldly come with us" is the slogan of Jim and Gaila's latest project at Starfleet Academy. Their idea is to compile a database of all sentient being's sexual practices. Somehow Spock ends up being a victim, mostly because his now ex-girlfriend hates Jim.

This was hilarious. Poor Spock is misrepresented. Poor Jim is confused, jealous, and slightly afraid he's going to be killed. Poor Gaila still can't get Spock nor Admiral Pike to sleep with her. Life is rough, ya'll.

Be warned, this is a WIP.
In conclusion, watch Sherlock. Read excellent fic. Get some sleep.

delicious recs

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