On the twelfth day of Christmas,
cadencecascade sent to me...
Twelve elbereth_lights drumming
Eleven bop_radars piping
Ten copperbadges a-leaping
Nine sidljs dancing
Eight ramtops_witchs a-milking
Seven goodomens a-sleeping
Six movies a-singing
Five atla-a-a-antis
Four ncis
Three bones
Two kidfics
...and a dean in a serenity.
A Dean in a Serenity. mm. nice!
In 2009,
cadencecascade resolves to...
Overcome my secret fear of bones.
Drink four glasses of fandom every day.
Put fifty goodomens a month into my savings account.
Go sleeping three times a week.
Buy new movies.
Admit my true feelings to ask_aboutcoffee.
Admit my true feeling to
ask_aboutcoffee . YES! lol.