Ok, so you are a busty chick who is reading/watching something and it makes you want to clasp your hands over heart in the classic "be still my beating heart" pose, but the boobs. They are in the way. This leads to something that I've termed "be still my boobs". I'm making a tag. Srsly.
So there were several "be still my boobs" moments this day:
1. SPN. I finally sat down and watched "Changing Channels" and laughed my ass off, as did ALL OF FANDOM. Then at the end with woobie!Cas staring soulfully at Gabriel and Sam and Dean commiserating over their sucky lives the moment happened.
2. House. I almost cried this episode. He's trying. really. it may be in a purely "House" way but he is trying. Oh Wilson. And CHASE. (who has always been my favorite Duckling). I love him and his whump. There were several "be still my boobs" moments in this episode.
3. not really a "bsmb" moment, but I just wanted to drop a line on how much I'm ADORING White Collar. It's fluffy and fun and while there's a small hint of actual mystery there, I'm mostly watching for the pretty and the chemistry.
4. Jensen and Daneel are engaged! Wow and I don't even care. No "bsmb" for this. I do not care about people's actual lives, (providing everything is mostly legal and completely consensual between real adults), even people that I'm involved in RPF about (AI and J2). The real life stuff has no bearing at all on my enjoying fanfic. I'm happy that that precious pretty man is happy.
5. Oh Ryan Seacrest. I did not even see anything about you today, beyond your Twitter account spamming my phone with txt msgs, but I still give you an honorary "be still my boobs" moment just because you're Ryan.
http://devilyouwere.livejournal.com/199956.html This is a SPN fic based on the Changing Channels episode where they are flashed onto Oprah and Castiel turns out to be a fan of Miley Cyrus and that strangely catchy "Party in the USA" song. Literal Tears were coming down my face whilst reading this short but entertaining tale.