Jan 17, 2007 22:40
What is up with Josiah's Birthdays??? Last year it was his first Bday. He was horribly sick. Fever. You name it. My Dad was sick too (he is hardly EVER sick.) So, everyone stayed away except for my brother. It was one of the most pitiful bdays you would ever encounter. The house was decked out. Presents everywhere. Just no one guests! =p
WELL. This Sunday is his 2nd bday. I ordered all of this Curious George decor. The state hasn't thawed yet & we are going to get possibly 5-10" of snow on Saturday & sleet on Sunday. NICE.
Geez. I thought...ya know...he is feeling better. He was SO sick for like 2 weeks. We are going to throw a shindig & he's going to have a blast on his bday. OOPS.
May have to postpone it. =/ Daddy won't be able to come anyway since he came back for my Mom's surgery. He'll be out on the road. I dunno. What I do know is that this sucks!
Anyway. Speaking of my Mom. She's doing well. Can't lift anything for another 2 weeks. Including 'Siah Butt. She's still experiencing shortness of breath, but I researched it online & they said that was normal for up to 2-3 weeks. So..I'm hoping she's well on the road to recovery & NO MORE heart problems.