May 06, 2008 20:54
Dayum. I never post in this thing anymore. Still read the ole Friends page. But, that's about it. My life is pretty mundane. Josiah is still hilarious. I told him he was the "Man of the house." He's taking it a little too seriously. He has no problem telling me what to do & when. Goofball.
Wanting to go to TN in July Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally badly. The river is calling me. I can hear it.
Debbie & her new man are coming to visit in June. I'm excited.
I turn thirty freakin one next month. What in the hell. Seriously. Still feel like I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing in life.
I want to take an Illustrator class. Don't know the program well enough. Want to keep myself employable.
Things are kind of eh. I'm thinking of having my happy pill dosage raised. I despised the things & it scared me to think that I might "need" them. I always thought it was an easy way out. I'm like, RAISE THE DOSAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For realz yo. I'm just in a funk. I fake it well & it takes every ounce of energy to make it through the day. Hell, maybe I do need to see a shrink. Just think....that's what I started off going to college to be. Hmph. Good thing I changed my mind.
Been working out like a maniac. Obsessively actually.
I'm good enough, I'm smart enough & gosh darnit people like me. Plus, I'm a real hoot.
Play on play out motha truckahs.