Nov 15, 2007 00:42
Been feeling super housebound. Surgery went well on Friday. My Mom has been keeping Josiah & it's about to kill me. She's been bringing him over the past few days, so that's been helping me. I napped with him today. That was nice. =)
Been listening to a lot of music & been writing a lot. Kind of a good thing. I've missed that time. I used to spend a lot of time in that environment. Music. Writing. Creativity was my outlet. Used to draw. Don't ever do that anymore. Photography. Used to take road trips specifically for photo opps. Anyway. That's one thing I've been digging. Just miss my boy! =(
The soreness is starting to ease. They had to pump me full of air & there was air trapped behind my chest cavity. Hurt like a MOTHA. Couldn't move or take a deep breath. Felt like my lung had collapsed. I would lie with a heating pad on my chest & that helped some. Just yawning or sneezing made me want to pass out. =/ I'm just glad they were able to get the tumor. Unattach my intestines from my uterus & clean up all the scar tissue. Said I didn't have endometriosis. Very good thing. Soooooooooooo. Just waiting to heal up. FINALLY starting to feel half way human again.
I was so hoping it wasn't going to be windy. I wanted my Mom to take Josiah & I to the park. Can't lift him or drive yet. I wanted to sit in the sunshine for a while. BUT. It was windy as all hell & chilly. Sucks.
Ahh well. It's all good. Keep on truckin baby. Keep on truckin.