Pick 10 characters from whatever fandoms you like -- and pick LJ usernames for them. Don't peek at the questions until you've made your list!
I'm going to pick Katekyo Hitman Reborn - because I'm a loser. (:
1. Yamamoto - [the_baseball_guy] (He'd probably just pick something that was simple and meant something to him. Oh. And referred to baseball, of course. Haha!)
2. Hibari - [biteyoutodeath] (Because... that's all he ever thinks about...)
3. Tsuna - [vongola-tenth?????] (It would probably be something like that. Tsuna fish is in denial...)
4. Mukuro - [kufufu] (Does Mukuro NEED a reason??)
5. Lambo - [grape_lollies!] (Childish Lambo is cool. Plus he loves grapes, right?)
6. Spanner - [the_perfect_mechanic] (Cause Spanner would flaunt that shit.)
7. Gokudera - [right-hand-man] (Gokudera's crush on Tsuna IS the size of a small planet...)
8. Byakuran - [marshmallow_smirk] (Um. Maybe... because Byakuran would want to have a username that reminded people that he is seemingly 'innocent' but still kind of creepy?)
9. Kyoko - [hope_and_faith] (This girl is MADE of freakin' faith.)
10. Dino - [olderbrother_buckingbronco] (He's got a nice side and a badass side. (x )
1) What's the title and subtitle of 4's journal?
... Relinquish your mind and body...
Ku fu fu...
God Mukuro is freaky. Haha. If you clicked onto his journal, you'd get the fuck out of there.
2) What does 9's default usericon look like? What other icons does 9 have?
Kyoko... hmm, they would probably be images of food or something else ridiculously girly and stupid like that...
Either that or maybe they'd be of her and her friends? I can image her having purikura icons of her and her brother. (x
3) What is 2's favorite community? (real or imagined) How does he/she participate?
Well. o_____________o
His would probably be some sort of community that nobody was allowed to post on. Yeah! He'd run it and it would be called [dead_comm] and nobody would be allowed to post. Therefore he could belong to a community without feeling like he was being crowded, plus people wouldn't post saying stupid things and pissing him off.
And if they did, he could bite them to death. orz
4) Give us a sample of 5's interest list.
grapes, food, teasing i-pin, lollies, candy, lambo!!, beating reborn, mama, funfunfun!!
5) 6 and 1 get in a virtual slapfight about something. What is it? How does it end?
B-but Yamamoto doesn't fight!!
They'd probably get into a fight over something really stupid - like Yamamoto casually calling out Spanner's mechanic abilities or Spanner making a careless remark about how 'nothing but dumb baseball was on TV last night' haha. I'm sure it would just degrade into petty comments and then into not speaking, until Yama cracked and apologised. It would be a pussy internet fight.
6) 10, 3, and 7 are co-mods of a community. What is it?
Dino, Tsuna and Gokudera huh? Interesting...
Gokudera would totally want to make a community all about The Vongola Family, and Dino would probably think it was a cool idea, but Tsuna would totally abhor it. xDDD Gokudera would make Tsuna a mod and the head of it, but Tsuna wouldn't go on it or check it out. He'd be the only mod too. Gokudera would be like I'M NOT WORTHY ENOUGH TO BE A MOD JUUDAIME.
7) 8 posts a secret to [ljsecrets] or [fandomsecrets]: what does it look like and what does it say?
Byakuran would probably post all the mean, nasty things that he was going to do but with pink, adorable little font that was horribly misleading and cutesy. (x
8) of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, who is most likely to; a) post every meme he/she comes across?
b) flock their entire journal?
c) write pr0n?
d) get banned from every community he/she signs up at?
e) attract anonymous stalker comments?
Okay, so Yamamoto, Tsuna, Lambo, Gokudera, Kyoko...
Post every meme; Probably Kyoko. She'd post a whole bunch of cheerful memes. (x
Flock their entire journal; Tsuna would. He wouldn't want anybody knowing about his life!
Write pr0n; None of them wooould.
Get banned from every community he/she signs up at?; Lambo would. He would post random stuff that had nothing to do with the comm and get banned for trolling. LOL.
Attract anonymous stalker comments; Probably Gokudera. I mean, he'd probably have a picture of himself on his blog somewhere and rabid girls would stalk him. Haha!
9) 2 and 6 are in a relationship IRL, but 8 finds out that 10 has been sending sexy PMs to 2. 8 asks 4's advice, and 4 blurts out the gossip all over his/her LJ. Write a little of the comment thread that follows.
Okay... so Hibari and Spanner are in a relationship. Byakuran finds out that Dino has been sending sexy pms to HIBARI (OH FUCK YES). Byakuran asks MUKURO'S ADVICE and Mukuro blurts it all out.
... Holy shit. XDDD
the_perfect_mechanic says ;
so you've been sending sexy pms to hibari, hmm? D:
olderbrother_buckingbronco says;
W-What?? How did you -
biteyoutodeath says;
Don't try to deny it you stupid herbivore - you're a fucking idiot -
Kufufu says;
Oya~? Worried, Spanner~~?
the_perfect_mechanic says ;
not at all. u___________u *Doesn't really care*
marshmallow_smirk says ;
I would be worried, considering what was in those PMs ~~ ^^
olderbrother_buckingbronco says;
Well if Hibari was /faithful/ to Spanner he wouldn't have kept reading them. D: He even replied - !!
biteyoutodeath says;
Shut the hell up !
marshmallow_smirk says ;
The plot thickens ~~ <3
the_perfect_mechanic says ;
Whatever. I'm going after Tsuna.
Kufufu says;
... What? >_____>
olderbrother_buckingbronco says;
... So I can have Kyouya?
biteyoutodeath says;
Fuck you! DDD<
... At which point the chat would probably die... due to Hibari killing somebody or something. <33