Haven't been up to much. Finally got 18 cd racks wallmounted on Saturday night. Now have access to about 1250 cds. Still have another 3 racks to mount. Was stood up by Shoozey twice in 3 days for help doing this, decided to stop asking and get someone else to help me. Got Susie, who I met on a musicsite, to come up and give me a hand. A dab hand at diy, mocked my pitiful tool collection, she's the proud owner of a cupboardful of power tools. She was fed gin and pizza in return for her help. Missed her last bus and stayed the night, on the couch. I'm rebounding and wary, think she'll probably remain just a friend. She's wanting commitment, which I'm not. Feel completely different from how I've felt after other longterm relationships ended. With the others, I was dumped and I felt the predictable anger and self pity. With this one, circumstances forced me to do the dumping. Feel much more of a sense of loss with this one, but that's life, it fucking sucks bigtime sometimes. Know through experience that people can break up and have the best of intentions about remaining friends, but changes in circumstances, new partners, etc, usually dilute the friendship.
Went into town yesterday and got 6 movies for my dads xmas. 2 of them he probably won't like, beacause they're subtitled, Delicatessen and Monsoon Wedding, but sure my mum will. Also got him The Man Who Wasn't There, City Of Industry, The Life Of David Gale and Mulholland Falls. Watched The Life Of David Gale last night, so so, but I kept getting distracted by the cds, spotting ones which were out of place. Bought myself Silent Hill 2 & 4 for the XBox. Finished Manhunt last week, heartwarming game. That's both parents xmas presents sorted out.
Went to buy myself and Shoozie tickets for Low yesterday. Saw the date and thought I better go home and check. I fly out to Holland the day before it. Will be seeing the Handsome Family for the seventh time while in Amsterdam, but Low I've only seen twice. Missed Discharge in Glasgow while seeing the Handsome Family in Holland in May, some kind of serious mindcontrol shit obviously going down here. What are they hiding ? Have always felt that since I came out of the 'coma' after my 'accident' that things aren't what they seem and things about my life and true identity are being kept from me. If only I had one of those electric whisk type things that Arnie stuck up his beak in Total Recall to get the tracking gizmo out of his skull. Maybe I should just draw a line under it all and move on, accept the life I've been allocated, accept that me and Shergar just weren't meant to be together.
Just burnt myself a copy of a Dead Kennedys dvd a friend lent me. Tried the same with a copy of a League Of Gentlemen first series dvd I've got from the library, copy proteceted, though.
Enginner from Hoover coming to house on Wednesday. I need to clean up the kitchen, feck.