Apr 28, 2005 17:31
So, I guess it's kind of stupid to have a livejournal and never post in it. The utter sense of guilt has gotten the best of me and, like a precious family heirloom that simply can't be gotten rid of, I'm bringing this forum for my insignifigant ramblings back to life.
School has gotten to seem more and more like filler for my day rather than a genuine institution for furthering my knowledge. The concepts we're being taught in math don't seem to strike me as useful, and it's become an accomlishment to merely make it through the class without falling asleep. Chemistry has been fun, but has come to feel like a waste of a class hour. I love playing around with chemicals, doing experiments and all that jazz, but the only things I've really learned in that class have been 1) atoms have oxidation states that determine how they combine and 2) Mrs. Bader is not a single conciousness, rather a twisted amalgamation of the mind of an 18 year old girl into the body of a 43 year old woman who happens to have a degree in chemistry. You know what we did today? We watched her and another girl have a headstand competition. Ask your friends in Woodward's 2nd hour class, and they will tell you the same story.
Government, or as I like to call it, my nap time and Humanities prep hour, has been a breeze. Mr. Mullins is in the process of becoming all out senile, and you can go ahead and say that to his face. Go ahead, tell him, then laugh as he asks you to speak up because he won't comprehend a word you say without it being uttered from 2 feet away. I can't really remember much that I've learned, but some of the stuff we did, most notably mock trials, have elicited some desire to learn more about law and politics. Even if mullins can't keep the attention of the class for more than 5 minutes, I gotta hand it to him for awakening this dormant interest of mine.
Humanities has become the only academic class I look forward to in the day. It's the last class I have, and most likely the only reason why I bother to stick around the whole day. I've learned so much about art, philosphy, literature, and just life in general that I must thank Ms. Dempsey for actually giving me an idea of what I'm going to pursue in college. The seeds have been sown for another english major to add to the world. whether they come to fruition is the big question.