Oct 25, 2010 10:45
Helloooo~ This is Undertaker~~
You've reached my special box for voice messages. If you wish to speak with me, you may leave one here after the tone. If you do not wish to speak with me, you can as well~~~
It's almost as if you really are speaking to me, yes?
!ic contact; sp
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[With Grell in tow, carefully thrown over one shoulder, Undertaker starts his stroll through the front gardens of the Phantomhive house, bound from the gates. There's still a snicker alive in his chest.]
You need to stop bothering the young Earl so much~~ He take that you have a crush on him~
I... I was just looking for Sebastian. Th-that's all. I promise.
You truly never quit, do you~? Such tireless persistance would be wonderful if used in other fields, Grell~
[ Making a half-hearted attempt at struggling. But this only makes it feel as though Undertaker is massaging his legs! URGH! ]
What other fields? I can't reap souls anymore - well, not getting paid to reap souls, rather.
There are so many fields were persistance and shameless self-promotion would be useful~ A salesmen~ or a lawyer~ or an underwear model~ or a serial killer~
Ahhhh.... ahahahaa....
It's all... too much work. Even the murdering - it's too much to keep track of, on your own.
Hang on - underwear model???
Aaah, so you're not a work horse, hmm? [He glances back, his grin firmly in place.]
Well, any kind of model really. It would be just the sort of work for you, hmm?
Oh myyyy~ no tears now, no tears~ Certainly there must be demons better than him in this world~ You are far too good for a carrion bird~
[A soft pat on the cheek.]
No! There's not! There's only--
[ Hands. Cold hands. Cold, creepy hands. On his face. ]
I... I only...
[ The truth comes out ]
I only chased Sebastian cos it made William crazy. But he's gone. And I haven't seen Sebastian in ages.
Everyone's gone.
Not everyone~ What about your dear fiance? The one who smacked me at the party~? Teehehehe~
[ Nervous laughter ]
Poor man. He found out about me... and he didn't...
[ A little smile - which fades immediately ]
He's mortal. You know as well as I do how fragile they all are. He'll be gone soon, too.
[His smile fades just barely as he pats the man's cheek. This sort of association might come back to bite him, but... they are similar in how they differ from humans.]
I do know~ though...
[A pause as he tips his head to the side.]
I am not.
Are you... are you telling me that... you're not going anywhere?
[ And just then, just for that moment, Undertaker's touch doesn't feel creepy. It feels - nice. His eyes flutter shut. ]
No where at all~
[Of course, there's no real guarantee that the Core won't steal him back to their world, either temporarily or permanently. But, any more loss and the red-head reaper was bound to go on a killing spree, or perhaps something worse.]
[ Pulls Undertaker close, into an awkward embrace ]
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