Nov 22, 2010 08:08
hahaha, this was great. Over at the daily what there was a video of a pregnant mom's tummy with a baby visibly kicking around? If you've ever been pregnant or been close to someone who is pregnant, you've seen this, it's pretty crazy. so there were lots of "eww! gross" comments, a couple of "you people are wussies, this is what it looks like" and one troll who just HAD to go THERE:
"MOM" said:
Is this too late for an abortion? Is it still considered just a blob of cells and disposable ? You free minded Liberals ought to know this. Going by 0035's reaction, I'm guessing this one still can be scrapped at this point.
(0035's reaction was an "ew" one.) so, there were a couple of "get over yourself" kinds of reactions, but I loved this one the best:
It could be that we free-minded liberals understand that it's not easy to define, while you small-minded trolls need everything clearly defined and labeled for you.
In a total nutshell, this is why I am pro-choice. When "life" starts is hard to define, it isn't a black and white thing and I'm not buying that the moment of conception is the start of life. while I don't think I would ever have an abortion, I would never in a million years tell someone else that they have to feel the exact same way I do, it's not my life and not my body. It’s hard, but this clearly falls into the realm of "gray" and I think that in general conservative thinking does not mesh with ambiguity and paradox. Over and over again I see a vibe of "this is the way it is, period" (no thinking needed) from conservative voices, and with the current rabid anti-intellectualism that is engulfing the Republican Party whole sale (looking at YOU, Palin!) I'm not sure how it's going to shake out.
But I know that I do think, and abortion is a difficult thing to think about, and since no one really has the right answers, I firmly believe in the civil right of any person to have free determination over their own body, including potential parenthood. (Because really, that is probably the single most life altering thing one can do in one's life, shouldn't you have a choice with it?)