I found some interesting answer to the question we were all talking about wether or not Mary suffered during childbirth and this is something I found that I never thought about and what I thought was interesting. If anyone knows anymore let me know
Mary gives birth to Our Lord
"And it came to pass, that when they were there, her days were accomplished, that she should be delivered" (
Luke 2:6); this language leaves it uncertain whether the birth of
Our Lord took place immediately after
Joseph and Mary had taken lodging in the grotto, or several days later. What is said about the shepherds "keeping the night watches over their flock" (
Luke 2:8) shows that
Christ was born in the night time.
After bringing forth her
Son, Mary "wrapped Him up in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger" (
Luke 2:7), a sign that she did not suffer from the pain and weakness of childbirth. This inference agrees with the teaching of some of the principal
Fathers and
St. Ambrose [56],
St. Gregory of Nyssa [57],
St. John Damascene [58], the author of Christus patiens [59],
St. Thomas [60], etc. It was not becoming that the mother of God should be subject to the punishment pronounced in Genesis 3:16, against
Eve and her sinful daughters.
Shortly after the birth of the child, the shepherds,
obedient to the
angelic invitation, arrived in the grotto, "and they found Mary and
Joseph, and the
infant lying in the manger" (
Luke 2:16). We may suppose that the shepherds spread the glad tidings they had received during the night among their friends in
Bethlehem, and that the Holy Family was received by one of its pious inhabitants into more suitable lodgings.
I found this at this website:
http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15464b.htm Ok so what stuck out to me was the words I must have heard a million times...."Mary wrapped Him up in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger" If Mary had just given birth and went through hard labor Im not so sure that she would have the energy or the strenght to wrap Jesus up in swaddleing clothes and get up to put him in the manger. This was in response to the Nativity movie (which I haven't seen) but everyone was talking about whether or not Mary had suffering (suffering of birth pains) during having Jesus.
Does anyone know the Churches teaching on this subject? If there is???