Wednesday reading, short trip

Dec 28, 2016 19:35

After weeks of struggling with Romans vs the barbarians (I'm only about half finished with the book) I've broken it up with a biography of Rasputin. Much better writing, much better organization. I'll give a full report when I finish this second book.

I took a quick trip today to visit my sister, who is in assisted living in Tucson about 120 miles away. Glad to see it was a nice place. My sister is better off than most of the residents there, but it's clear it's the best place for her. She doesn't understand it really is her home for now, but thankfully she does seem to like the place.

Awful traffic on the way back, pretty much crawled all the way across Phoenix to get to my side of town. Why does rush hour start at 3:00 p.m. here? There was an accident on another highway that messed up traffic at that time leaving Phoenix for Tucson and the east. Going west there was nothing major, just too many cars. There is a bypass that they are starting to work on so everyone doesn't have to go through the heart of town. But we sure needed it today not five years from now when it might go into service.

ETA: I just heard that Debbie Reynolds has died the day after her daughter. So sad.
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