My first animated gif

Jan 27, 2013 11:39

I just watched The Ramblin' Boy, part 1, and then went through lamardeuse's terrific episode caps to spot all the little moments that I missed.

One that I was especially taken with was Robbie's little eyebrow dance of persuasion at Laura. In fact, I was so taken with it that I actually learned how to make an animated gif so I could replay this bit over and over again:

Just look at that face. <3

More for my own future reference than anything else, here are the steps I took to produce the gif:

How to produce an animated gif (Linux instructions)

(1) Extract out the relevant part of the video

ffmpeg -ss [start time, e.g. 00:29:48]
-t [length to extract, e.g. 00:00:02 for 2 seconds]
-i [input file name]
-vcodec copy
-acodec copy
[output file name]

(2) Split out the shorter video to individual gifs

ffmpeg -i [input filename]
[output filename]-%03d.gif

(3) Compress the gifs (the following command modifies in place; 400x225 is the size I chose in the end)

mogrify -resample 72x72 -resize 400x225 input-*.gif

(4) Create the animated gif. -delay 10 indicates a 10 ms delay in moving from one image to the next; -loop 0 makes it loop endlessly.

convert -delay 10 -loop 0 input-*.gif animation.gif

I arrived at 10 ms through experimentation; but if more experienced cappers have better advice on what value to use (and/or better ways to do all of the above), I'd appreciate the help!

gif, character: laura hobson, character: robbie lewis, fandom: lewis

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