Jun 17, 2004 09:49
remember that old phrase about having to make things happen in life if you want them?
i just realized in a brief moment of enlightenment late last night, that i've accomplished a great deal in the last couple years. more than i would have hoped for really.
i complain about certain aspects of my life, but in actuality, i've corrected or moved away from the general roots that once plagued my existence. thats a fairly sweeping statement to make. but it struck me out of nowhere, that maybe those roots were my struggle all along. people or problems in my life thus far being merely bi-standards as i grew up within myself.
i don't know. but within that moment of enlightenment i had, i realized too, that my smiles are really mine, and not resultant of so much happening around me.
thats why i smile so much when i'm driving down the street by myself, or sitting in my room with the stereo on.
either that or i've peddled backward and completely lost my mind.
either way, i'm delighted i'm me for once.