what is he thinking?

Mar 22, 2006 23:32

5am its cold...strange dry aftertaste in my mouth. why is the floor always so damn cold
6am damn scooter wont start, start, kick, fuck, start, START. There we go. Why cant mornings be warm.
7am here he comes (that fucker) to check my (train) ticket (again). Take a good look at it pall, thats right theres the double take(as usual), well i think hes convinced. "its real but hes still a stinking lousy druggie immigrant."
8am this newspaper is such a rag... its only free because its basically ad space/propagand... oh look an article on paris hilton's ass.
9am the taste of red bull probably wakes you up more than the caffeine in it. its your body saying hey wake up you fucking idiot, youre drinking your own piss again
10 am the chemical composition of the air in class = 1% oxygen ,2% thin veil of trendy french artificial fragrances designed to cover up BO, 97% overpowering nauseating BO
11 am tirggeronmytempleometry
12 pm i have him pinned, time for the finishing.... ah shit there goes me queen again. stupid STUPID stupid. This beer tastes funny
1 pm i need another beer, too bad im in class... i bet nobody would notice though. i dont think anyone has had thought more profound than "breathe" for the last half hour.
2 pm i wonder how long it will take before someone notices that im not listening... engaging autopilot. autopilot on
3 pm ...(faint sound of people talking, smoke)...
4 pm ...(air is recycled again, still smells of BO)...
5 pm ...(3600 seconds less left to live than at 4pm)...
6 pm ... disengaging autopilot, autopilot off... hello world, i seem to be on the train now, dont remember much of what happened today or how i got here. Maybe its better that way.
7 pm yes mom, fine, just fine. The same as every other day. No there isn't any. No, i didn't...why?, well ive been at school all day and they tell me in physics class i can only occupy one place in space at a certain ti... no im not hungry.
8 pm Still hungry but i couldnt eat THAT. i miss real food.
9 pm 34 emails, someone loves me!
901 pm 34 spam emails, spam loves my fat white bald impotent ass
10 pm Sarah, you make me realize how important real human contact is and how most of my conversations consist of smalltalk (which i absolutely abhor)... and that it's mostly my own fault
11 pm must ignore body! sleep is the enemy. Damn you time difference, damn you lazy people i care about not getting online fast enough, damn you norepinephrin, damn yo... snore
12 am snore, snore, mutter unintelligible gibberish... change position. STOMACH GARGLE OF DOOOOOM. ugh so hungry, need something to eat. What do we have... oh great nothing. i guess ill just have some of whatever that is. ugh
1 am snore, snore, toss, turn
2 pm dream about minotaurs, die a few times, a helicopter, 1up, chase through deserted city
3 am trek up a mountain to somewhere cold white and empty. hear voices and even though i cant see them or the walls of the space i know they are closing in. coming closer.
4 am All is well in a sleepy town in mexico under the afternoon sun.
5 am cold, so fucking cold again.

rinse, wash, repeat
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