Whose stupid idea was this?

Dec 12, 2008 23:01

Well for some some reason I decided to move to a new apartment this week! This means that not only am I panicking about xmas shopping and trying to get a heap of work done before we close down for two weeks but I've also been lugging all my things from my old apartment to my new apartment one suitcase at a time!! fun fun!

To add to my woes I have to activate a new phone line and have been told it could take up to 3 weeks for my broadband connection to go "live". But on the bright side I LOVE my new apartment and its water views! Granted the Manchester Ship Canal isn't the Sydney Harbour water view I've always dreamt off but oh well can't have it all ;)

Anyway it turns out that no I cannot live without the internet I lasted 5 days but tonight headed down the motorway to Wales to go to my Nan's just so I could get on the net, sad or what? Although to be fair my main reason was so I could do my Xmas shopping, I have to do it online as when I go to "actual" shops I just end up buying myself stuff! *ooops*. I actually spent £65 on a watch yesterday that I didn't need although to be fair the very helpful and rather attractive shop assistant could have been part of the reason why I made that rash purchase! *ahem*.

I am so behind on LJ posts its upsetting and I really want to watch the Bianca/Reese AMC stuff but there's so much of it now I'm worried to start for the fear that I will lose a whole day to youtube so maybe its good I'm netless as I can be somewhat productive for a couple of weeks although inevitably at some point I will watch and it will be all jetgirl78 and her picspam's fault!

Anyway I will be finished with moving and work after this week and then off to London where they have a lovely fast cable internet line and hopefully my little cousins will leave me alone long enough at some point so I can catch up on my fangirling duties, not to mention dl my shows!!


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