Conversation with my sister

Nov 10, 2006 23:17

An excerpt from a conversation with my sister, who raises chickens on her property in Eastern Washington:

ME: So how are the chickens doing?

SIS: Fine. Now that's it's getting cold, we put the heater on in the henhouse at night.

ME: Does the cold bother the chickens?

SIS: Not really. They have layers of feathers, so they don't really care one way or the other.

ME: So you're spoiling them.

SIS: (Laughs) Yeah. The other neighbors who raise chickens just throw some food down and walk away. I'm still trying to get more countrified. They all think I'm nuts 'cause I cuddle my chickens.

ME: cuddle your chickens? Do they like it?

SIS: No. But if you chase them and hold them down, you can sort of pet them.

So many things about my life were clarified with that exchange. It runs in the family.
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