Jan 13, 2008 02:33
So a conservative, a liberal, a woman in a wheelchair, a transgendered woman, and Timothy McVeigh’s lawyer walk into a bar....
As many of you know, I do a lot of work with the International Relations Organization at GVSU as well as the campus chapter of Amnesty International. This week AI brought in a law prof from Oklahoma who is representing some of the detainees being held in Guantanamo Bay (and as it turned out represented Timothy McVeigh ) It was an interesting presentation preceded by a screening of “Ghosts of Abu Ghraib,’ which is a very powerful film for those of you who haven’t seen it. (Though I think the implication the film makes that there is a direct positive causation between Administration policy regarding treatment of captives and what actually happened there is a little spurious)
Afterwards Nikki, Vanessa (Who was “Bandana Joe” last semester in our Human Rights class since we couldn’t be bothered to learn last names to differentiate people with the same first names, then he grew boobs halfway through the semester), Ashley, and Prof. Coyne ended up hanging out at the Main Street Pub until well past midnight shooting the shit and having a very buzzed wide-ranging conversation from The primary races, the bad effects of break-up sex, and queer theory in literature. Hopefully IRO will be bringing him back this semester for a day or two it was a good way to start the first week of class.