I know, IKNOW. I should not be posting from work. I feel terrible. Really. Really, I do. But, at the same time I kind of resent these "surprise! there's not any work for you!" days. I guess it sounds stupid bitching about free time. But it's guilt-ridden, on-the-clock free time. I tried to sit at my desk and do nothing. (For nothing is better than actively slacking) I really did try. But I only managed about two hours or so of staring into space. And I was starting to draw pictures in my notebook. So, I've stolen away to the computer room. :/
The new Star Trek movie is getting released in Japan this weekend. I have been eagerly anticipating it. However... this weekend is Field Day weekend for the schools. And as you may be aware, Field Day is a BIG DEAL in Japan. I feel obligated to attend, though I am not required to, and I am absolutely 100% sure in the knowledge that I will be the only teacher who isn't there if I don't. So I guess I'm praying for rain. I'd really like the weather to take the decision off of my hands. Field day gets moved back a week, and I get to see Star Trek opening weekend. Everybody wins. Well, I win. But it may not rain. And then I may actually have to make a decision. Which, I suspect, will be the decision of whether to take Monday off and go see Star Trek then, or to wait one more week and see it next next Saturday. (Surely, it will still be there, right?)... I think my sense of obligation will unfortunately cancel out my urge to indulge my geekdom.
AND SPEAKING OF MOVIES, Damn these people for getting my hopes up. It's cruel. This is worse that that Zelda movie trailer from a while back.
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