Aug 18, 2006 22:06
i got hired at tulip!
went in for an interview and less than an hour later got a call saying i'm hired and i train asap. which means monday since i have a babysitting job/interview for two 2-year old twins with their lezzie mommy tomorrow.
working at tulip means that i will get to run workshops (if you have suggestions, let me know!!!) sell sex toys, talk sex with strangers, go on business trips maybe (um like all the major queer women events around the city and the country? dinah shore, michigan women's music fest and the miami white party anyone?), and basically not have it be a big deal at work that i'm a short queer transish boy (did i just out myself on lj?). it also means that after working part time for awhile i may get to be full time and get health insurance benefits, which they are putting in place soon.
so basically. dream job. except for the part where i have activist guilt because its a total Business with a big B as opposed to early to bed. but i need to get paid like whoh. and e2b never hires.
that said... i still need another part time job right now. but i'm way more motivated to work at someplace like borders or trader joes for a little while if i have a job also that i'm obsessed with and that could actually go somewhere.
and i got a badass haircut.