.when i should be doing my thesis.

May 07, 2006 22:27

i'm getting tired of campus organizing. i say this while i am continuing to organize (passionately) on campus. but i'm getting tired and overworked... and i'm unfortunatly falling into senioritis. i guess what keeps me doing it is that i know there are so many other people that i want to be safe and happy on campus.

i guess i'm just tired of people misunderstanding "the radical left"(which, for the record, i don't necessarily align myself with...but what student organizing for a better campus climate is getting us labled as) as something that is extreme. i don't intend to make people change their minds or their politics. i just want to feel safe on campus. i just want to not get wierd looks in the bathroom. i just want to know that when people that i love are attacked verbally or physically on campus there is some sort of accountability.

basically i am teetering on being done with this and focusing on what comes after depaul. but i also think that is really selfish.

fuck it. at least i have clean underwear.
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