
Feb 08, 2006 14:18

the posters are in and will be sent out to print today. they are f'ing sexy. shout out to m.kerms.

there is, in fact, the possibility that while these next two weeks will be stressful as all hell, they won't suck. whoot! and i think (i hope) that this will all have been worth it.

my methods class, on the otherhand, is the most stressful point in my life right now. so stressful that i am avoiding doing a bit of work for it by making an entry. yeah. i'm just going to accept that i'm a fuck up in this class for the next two weeks and then pull it all back together once the show is over. i think it might be healthier.

"now i know how joan of arc felt"

the smiths feel me.

i'm actually breathing right now. this is good. went to a meeting with all the spectrum advocates to update them about the lgbtqq discussion/support group nicole and i are getting together. its encouraging to realize there are some amazing queer faculty and staff and allies at depaul. catholic school... who knew?

thursday: last day of class for the week, work, byc, meeting with arnie
friday: errands of a valentine nature, possible shopping for the vag monologues, relaxation time, reading, making an appearance at cheryl's bday, sleeping a lot
saturday: homework, relaxation, vag prep, meeting at 5, tech from 6-midnight
sunday: relaxation, homework, vag prep, cast visit to early to bed?, cast potluck at annette's
monday: the kick of of vagina week! vag tabling, work, private rehearsal with laila (oh man... so hot, so scary), the vagina dialogues! (an open mic in the atrium at 6!)
tuesday: class, work, vagina tabling, valentines day/one year anniversary (whohhh...), sweet sweet relaxation and lovin.
wednesday: work, vagina tabling, class
thursday: class, work, vagina tabling, final run through for the show 6-midnight
friday: vagina tabling, trying not to freak out, trying to relax, hardcore vagina prep mode, final meetings, attempting to sleep.
saturday: vagina monologues 8pm!
sunday: vagina monologues 8pm!
monday: i get my life back.

i know that was really exciting for everyone... sorry... i just really needed to get it all down and figure out mostly for myself what i have to do to survive the next week and a half.

i think i'm going to make it out alive. a little bruised and beaten probably (problematic in discussing an anti-violence movement?) but alive. whew.
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