seriously... this is how procrastinatory i am right now. fuck

Nov 29, 2005 13:44

First job: school district 73 1/2 computer tech... blech.
First kiss: i used to make out with a few of my female friends in elementary school.
First screen name: damn... can't remember... fallen_angel or something tragic like that.
First self purchased CD: i feel like it was REM's monster.
First funeral: my mom's aunt.
First piercing/tattoo: ears peirced at 13... nose freshman year of college and first tat at the end of my sophomore year of college
First credit card: my parents gave me one that was connected to theirs to use for gas when i got my license.
First true love: my dog pepper.
First enemy: jessica smith.
First big trip: moving from denver to santa clara when i was 3 months old.
First concert: either the goo goo dolls or oasis... i can't remember which order.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: simon and garfunkle

Last big car ride: driving back up from champaign after thanksgiving
Last kiss: saying goodbye to cyndi outside the student center this morning.
Last library book checked out: books on hip hop for my thesis.
Last movie seen: rent
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: cinnamon toast crunch
Last phone call: cyndi
Last CD played: joanna newsom, the milk eyed mender
Last annoyance: my own procrastination... and this thing
Last soda drank: cherry coke... for shame! at the movie theatre...
Last ice cream eaten: peppermint
Last time Yelled at: hm... i can't remember... i'm just so sweet who could yell at me?
Last shirt worn: my alcoholiday/jew momma shirt... holla hk
Last website visited:

09 things you look forward to:
1) visiting some of the old skool crew this week in central ill
2)hanging out with froi and hk tonight
3) queer theory
4) the night cyndi gets back from ecuador
5) the chronicles of narnia
6) food
7) napping and drinking hot chocolate while it snows
8) clean laundry
9) being done with the theatre school

8 things you wear:
1) little boy undies
2) my knit cap with the bill
3) my four rings
4) jeans
5) my new tunnel
6) sweaters
7) my firetruck mittens
8) my glasses

07 things that annoy you:
1) when people leave cabinets and drawers open
2) people who act like asshols when intoxicated.
3) the theatre school
4) my own innability to get shit done.
5) thong underwear
6) seeds in my rye bread
7) cold wind

-name: jessie, yessie, yay-se
-gender: queer
-height: 4'10" bitches
-haircolor: darker brown with blond streaks
-eyecolor: blue/green/grey
-location: cyndi's bed
-fears: that this survey will never end.

-peed your pants: probably.
-cheated on someone: no
-fallen off the bed: or been pushed off by torres?
-fallen for a relative: no... ew... awkward.
-had plastic surgery: well i am planning on getting massive breast implants to enhance my stripping career
-failed a grade: nope
-had your heart broken: ooooh yes.
-done something you regret: not quitting the theatre school my freshman year

-wearing: green socks, my cowrie shell anklet, jeans, blue boxer briefs, blue where the wild things are t shirt, green sweater, four rings, bead bracelet, four earrings, sports tank top, brown knit hat
-listenin to: the cats running around and matt and rachel in the background
-chewin: my tounge... a strange habit.
-feeling: bored and procrastinatory
-readin: i can't really list all the things i'm in the middle of reading... but i just got this sweet magazine called brokenpencil
-located: in chicago?
-chattin with: no one
-watchin: the computer screen... damn this thing assumes people multitask like mad

-brush your teeth: frequently
-like anybody: i like a lot of people. but there is someone i like particularly.
-have any piercings: 9 in my ears, one in my nose.
-drive: yes... not usually while i'm in the city though.
-believe in santa claus: i'm a jew.
-ever get off the computer: yes... thankfully.

-who is your best: i dont have one... i'm a fool... pushkar, alex, jacob, cyndi, spoorman.
-who is the loudest: alex
-who is the shyest: kristina
-who is the hottest: cyndi. (if i dont' say this i'll get jacked! ;) )
-who is the cutest: me. i'm the shortest. but froilan is aight.
-who laughs the most: cyndi
-who have you known the longest: rebecca
-who have you known the shortest: lisa
-do you hang out with a certain type: i don't think so but i'm sure people would disagree
-do you hang out with the opposite sex: no... i am a lesbian separatist.
-do you trust your friends: yeah. most of the time. otherwise i probably wouldnt be friends with them.
-are you a good friend: actually i think i am.
-can you keep a secret: oh yes. divulge away!

-hugged: cyndi
-gave e-props: can i give e-props to all my peepz right now?
-IMed: froilan
-talked to on the phone: cyndi
-yelled at: hnm... i don't know. i dont' usually yell.
-fell in love with: torres
-tripped: mm, yesterday or the day before

-what do you want to be when you grow up : not a clue.
-what is your most embarrassing story: when coke came out of my nose in 6th grade at woodfeild mall.. ew.. how suburban
-do you have a girlfriend: mmm... yes.
-if you had an extra set of eyes, where would you put them?: on the back of my head or on my finger tips.
-what do you usually think about before going to bed: the warm body next to me.

-movie: oy... i'll just say the nightmare before christmas
-group of the moment: regina spektor... not a group but fu.
-store: women and children first bookstore
-relative: my cousins, esp. my cuz dan
-vacation spot: barcelona
-ice cream flavor: mint chocolate chip or coffee
-fruit: peach or pear
-candy: dark chocolate chips
-holiday: that span of thanksgiving/hanukah/christmas
-day of the week: fridays or saturdays
-color: green
-magazine: i dig this new one, brokenpencil... also rollingstone and obviously teen bop

-like giving hugs: it is my life
-like walking in the rain: oh yes... esp. in a thunderstorm
-sleep with or without clothes on: without... as long as i have my favorite naked body next to me.
-prefer black or blue pens: black
-dress up on halloween: um yeah.
-have a job: holla back women's center
-like to travel: yesyesyes!
-sleep on your side, tummy, or back: side/tummy
-want to marry: mmm.... i'm engaged.
-have a goldfish: not anymore... tokochan RIP
-have stuffed animals: teddy and gilbert!

-single or taken: taken
-simple or complicated: yes (figure that one out)
-law or anarchy: anarchy... natural law... go with the flow
-mtv or bet: vh1 and mtv2
-7th heaven or dawsons creek: ew
-sugar or salt: salt
-silver or gold: Silver.
-chocolate or flowerz: i think its sweet when anyone things to buy me either... even if it is a little cheezy.
-color or black-white photos: depends on the quality of the color
-m&ms or skittles: peanut butter m&ms
-rap or rock: stupid question... next....
-stay up late or sleep in: both?
-tv or radio: i try to avoid both... but i'll probably take tv considering teh state of mainstream radio
-hot or cold: am i hot or cold? i am hot but my fingers and toes are cold.
-taller members of the opposite sex or shorter: pretty much shorter than anyone you'll ever meet who is my age.
-sun or moon: you cna't pick... its all about the balance.
-diamond or ruby: ruby
-left or right: huh?
-10 acquaintances or one best friend: one best friend
-kids or no kids: definetly kids
-cat or dog: maybe a dog one day but i'm happy with my dog-acting cats!
-half empty or half full: really folks? are these the questions you want to ask?
-mustard or ketchup: both
-newspaper or magazine: depends on what publication. stupid question.
-spring or fall: fall
-give or receive: ha. i'm usually a top but i can switch. and i love to recieve... um... yum....
-rain or snow: warm rain
-a year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship: well i'm getting both so f ya'll
-happy or sad: happy
-wonder or amazement: wonder
-mcdonalds or burger king: t-bell
-mexican or italian food: mexican.
-lights on or off: on. i like to watch.
-duct tape or scotch tape: gaff tape
-candy or soda: too much sugar... must have salt!
-a house in da woods or city: City
-Converse or DC: cons beetch

so this is pretty much the lamest thing i've done in a really long time. shit. i'm gonna go get my laundry now.
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