Apr 01, 2012 06:16
10 PM
At around 9 PM I mostly finished Lover Reborn. I haven't gotten to the epilogue bc I was so freaking out about the last page of Chapter 76.
"Because there was a lesson in this Fade ceremony tonight: You could lose the ones you loved in the blink of an eye-and he was willing to bet, when it happened, you weren’t thinking about all the reasons that could have kept you apart. You thought of all the reasons that kept you together...
Enough, Qhuinn thought.
Enough with the excuses, and the avoidance, and the trying to be someone, anyone else.
Even if he got shanked, even if his precious little ego and his dumb-ass little heart got shattered into a million pieces, it was time to stop the bullshit.
It was time to be a male.
As Blay started to straighten, like a message had been received, Qhuinn thought, That’s right, buddy.
Our future has come."
Did you read that? OUR FUTURE HAS COME! I was pretty excited about that but I still thought it wouldn't actually be written about until the Xcor/Layla situation was resolved. However, when I got on FB to post about how that last page was giving me the vapors, I saw THIS from the WARDen:
I totally freaked out at that point! I'm still freaking out! Knowing they are finally going to have a resolution NEXT YEAR makes it worse than being in the nebulous future. It's the agony and the ecstasy for 12 loooooooooong months. But what makes it better is that they are going to be the next HARDCOVER which means it's not going to be a simple novella, as was rumored previously. I'm sure the whole story won't be all about them but as long as the WARDen goes full-throttle on the sex scenes, I will be overjoyed! I want it to be along the lines of the first three books or maybe Rehv's book, as far as intensity.
team qhuay,