You may want to skip this if you don't care about people's struggle against the crimson tide.
I hate bleeding. I hate hate hate it. What kind of merciful Creator God would have fucked the female of the species over like this? I ask you, God, wtf, man? This is insane.
Oh, and I hate it when people tell me I'm just trying to pull away from my identity as feminine, my identity as a woman, a future mother... oh, fucking PLEASE get away from me. I don't reject the feminine, but I don't necessarily agree that "feminine" is a valid term for anything. I don't reject my identity as a woman, because it's the hand I'm dealt physiologically and I have to deal or get a hysterectomy.
Future mother? Eat shit and die! I'll never be a mom! I don't want to have kids. There's no way I'll become a mother and have a 50/50 chance of going through what I'm still going through with my brother right now. I'm not that nice. I'm not that patient. I would seriously want to die. Not only that, but I don't want children. I like children, but no effing way would I attempt to raise any.
The only people who say stuff like that are people who don't mind bleeding because they're either menstrual blood art types who believe that lying in bed feeling as though you have a spiked boot fwapping you in the abdominal and groin area for a good 48-72 hours is a blessed event, or they're proud of their ability to someday put that birth canal to good use, and their period tells them that there's still a decent chance that it's possible.
I don't blame the latter people. They're well-intentioned, but keep your coochie-talk to yourself if it's disempowering.
I'm bleeding currently. Obviously, you all say, because you're a fucking Fury. Yes, well, between coming home Saturday night and discovering via message manager that I was no longer working at the Trading Post and that my boyfriend wanted my ass out of there in the morning kind of gave me a lapse in timing. I didn't put my new ring in. Damn it. I get home today from my haircut and discover this clotted blackish guck in my gonchies and flip out.
I have a new ring residing in my twat, but I hope it stems the flow seriously soon. Maybe I caught it soon enough. This means within a 10% margin of error, however, that mine and David's last fuck before the break wasn't fruitful and conducive to multiplication.
Going to Vancouver tomorrow will be the shits. Ever travelled by plane when you're bleeding? I swear it tears the uterine lining right off the walls, because when you step off that plane you're leaking like crazy, and you only left two hours ago.
Screw this shit. I'm trying to move 4 months of my life, which was so organized and beautiful, back into a den of chaotic hell. I have fucking ikea bags full of clothing, books, knitting supplies, pig stuff, etc. that I can't get around to emptying. This isn't home. I won't be here long, wherever I go. For now, though, I'm bleeding, unloved and fucking miserable.