I gave you my heart, but you can't have my sympathy

Sep 07, 2008 20:59

brunch basically turned into a party, which was cool
mint mate with a hint of orange peel at red and black was yummy
soft serve and vegan party fun was had at the anniversary party for Food Fight (5 years) and Scapegoat (3 years)
lots of compliments on the hair, which was happy. added to the amusement were the double takes I received before a few realized I'm me :)
got to see celestyna and her boy one last time before they run away
hot lips pizza and ghostbuster fun

excited for being able to play with my trees (and possibly the new camping equipment!!!) in about 3 weeks, when I no longer have to wear the boot
getting amped for the prospective attempts at snowboarding I'll be making in the very near future
then there's the fun of getting both up and back DOWN the wall o' rock without breaking myself again :p

can't wait to be active, this stagnant nonsense is killing me.

weekend, foodfightanniversary2008, life, plans

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