Distraction and the Week Ahead

Oct 19, 2007 10:23

You Can.
Only Type.
Two Words.

Not As.
Easy As.
You Might.
Actually Think.

1. Where is your cell phone?.
right pocket

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?
works late

3. Your hair?
hat hidden

4. Work?
necessary pay

5. Your father?
far away

6. Your favorite thing?
happy comfort

7. Your dream last night?
very odd

8. Your favorite drink?
satisfying liquid

9. Your dream car?
no gas

10. The room you’re in?
small office

11. Your pet?
four legged

12. Your fears?
irrational emotion

13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
happy wife

14. Where did you hang out last night?
music, movie

15. What you’re not good at?
letting go

16. Eyebrow rings on the opposite sex?
okey dokey

17. One of your wish list item?
personal chef

18. Where you grew up?
South East

19. The last thing you did?
typed words

20. What are you wearing?
noah's hoodie

21. Your life?
better daily

22. Your mood?
content smile

23. Your car?
seldom driven

24. Your work?
fun stress

30. Your summer?
more hiking

31. Your relationship status?
fully taken

32. Your favorite color?
lime green

33. When is the last time you laughed?
last night

35. Favorite music?
fits mood

Today is our year's biggest fundraiser. I must wear a dress and heels. Stress is high.
Client broke a hip, surgery, tried to pull out draining tube, refusing all treatment (including physical therapy), he's due to have a child on November 2nd.
Un-medicated, 350lbs, 7' psychopath still roaming around attempting to work where there are sharp objects.
Tomorrow is ESL and research for CAAT.
Sunday involves checking in on 5 clients, and then the pumpkin patch with hot apple cider and a hay maze.
Client graduates from his treatment program on Tuesday, moves into new housing on Monday... that's happiness.
Wednesday we're closing early to take the staff bowling. wooohooo!!!! looking forward to making an ass out of myself.

meme, life, work

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